90 None

Women could solve 90% of their dating problems by being more direct and more revealing of what they actually want instead of relying on hints and obfuscations. Similarly, men could solve 90% of theirs by improving their hygiene, social skills and fashion sense.

But will either camp do any of this? Of course not.

In the fourth epoch, so gradually that almost no one noticed, machines began taking the side of nature, and nature began taking the side of machines. Humans were still in the loop but no longer in control. Faced with a growing sense of this loss of agency, people began to blame โ€œthe algorithm,โ€ or those who controlled โ€œthe algorithm,โ€ failing to realize there no longer was any identifiable algorithm at the helm. The day of the algorithm was over. The future belonged to something else.

George Dyson, Analogia: The Emergence of Technology Beyond Programmable Control


The favored Russian tactic now is recon by force across the vast front line, sending small teams to probe Ukrainian dug-in areas. When that team gets obliterated, they send in a larger probe with fresh meat which they force the survivors of the first raid to join. It carries on this way till they all die, which usually happens quickly enough.

Sometimes, though, this tactic gains the Russians a few hundred meters. Maybe one out of ten times. And that’s how the Russians are very slowly and bloodily taking more Ukrainian territory. No casualty evacuations, no retreats. No Russian soldier even attempts to surrender. In fact, many Russian troops commit suicide once they are too injured to walk. Surrender is pointless; once the Russians are exchanged as POWs, they are punished severely and then returned to the front lines for another suicide mission.

The above is what Ian Welsh et alia see as winning. This is why I will never understand Welsh’s and other people’s Putin worship. It is a psychotic way to fight a war. All wars are evil, but the Russian tactics are on another level of moral repugnance. And yes, this is all true. The unedited videos are available for anyone to watch.

Putin worshipers should be forced to go fight for the Russian side. Perhaps they will renounce their clownery if they manage to survive a meat wave or two.


I get a lot more attention from women now but I just do not care. When I was twenty-ish I would’ve fought a lion with only a rusty fork for this surfeit of being noticed. Then, of course, I was roundly ignored by women and treated very coldly. Funny how life works.

Sure, it’s flattering. But I’m tired and I have stuff to read. These days my social battery looks like this:

In a digital computer, one thing happens at a time. In an analog computer, everything happens at once. Brains process three-dimensional maps continuously, instead of processing one-dimensional algorithms step by step. Information is pulse-frequency coded, embodied in the topology of what connects where, not digitally coded by precise sequences of logical events. โ€œThe nervous system of even a very simple animal contains computing paradigms that are orders of magnitude more effective than are those found in systems built by humans,โ€ argued Carver Mead, a pioneer of the digital microprocessor, urging a reinvention of analog processing in 1989. Technology will follow natureโ€™s lead in the evolution of true artificial intelligence and control.

Electronics underwent two critical transitions over the past one hundred years: from analog to digital and from high-voltage, high-temperature vacuum tubes to siliconโ€™s low-voltage, low-temperature solid state. That these transitions occurred together does not imply a necessary link. Just as digital computation was first implemented using vacuum tube components, analog computation can be implemented, from the bottom up, by solid state devices produced the same way we make digital microprocessors today, or from the top down through the assembly of digital processors into analog networks that treat the flow of bits not logically but statistically: the way a vacuum tube treats the flow of electrons, or a neuron treats the flow of pulses in a brain.

George Dyson, Analogia: The Emergence of Technology Beyond Programmable Control

War Wolf

Regional war brewing in the Middle East, regional war in Ukraine and soon-to-be war in the South China Sea. We are entering the era of conflict once again. No matter what Pinker with his nonsense has claimed, what really occured since WWII is that we had a lull similar to the relative peace after 1815. (Shattered, of course, by WWI’s guns of August.)

The world is busily getting back on track for some major incidents of slaughter and suffering on a scale not seen since 1945. It’s pretty much baked in now. And just wait till the AMOC collapses and so does India. Dang, we ain’t seen nothin’ yet.

Delay of gratification and adult outcomes: The Marshmallow Test does not reliably predict adult functioning.

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Down with HOAs. Homeowner associations make it harder to own a home.

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US targets surging grocery prices in latest probe.

Across two continents: The genomic basis of environmental adaptation in house mice (Mus musculus domesticus) from the Americas.

The Barbara Problem.

The tiny egg and the life it produced.

Israelโ€™s spies take their revenge. Good.

Why America fell behind in drones, and how to catch up again.

Trump VP Pick Vance Says China Is the โ€˜Biggest Threatโ€™ to US. And about that at least, he is correct.