
It seems the Fat Acceptance movement might have simmered down a lot, yeah? I wonder if it was the Ozempic. That drug and similar ones made it clear that a lot of people were just eating too much and lying about it. Hard to keep up the fiction of “starvation mode” and other such bullshit with semaglutides out there.

But also, the FA cultural moment most likely just passed. Movements that predicate themselves on failure and apathy tend not to endure all that long, after all. They self-extinguish. And good riddance, too.


Design progression of SpaceX’s Raptor engine:

That is amazing. And for those who say Elon’s companies don’t produce anything real…well, you’re just wayyyyyyyy wrong. You let the fact that Elon is a clown in a lot of ways lead you to think absurd things. Which, I must point out, also makes you a clown. Here is more info about the engines above.

The Raptor engine evolution reminds me of the quote variously attributed to Mark Twain, Benjamin Franklin and others that goes, “If I’d had more time, I would’ve written a shorter letter.” The amount of design-hours to produce the Raptor 3 is hard to imagine.


This woman had an early life much like mine.

Once I got into middle school, I had gone from โ€œbizarre kid who doesnโ€™t get invited to birthday parties that oftenโ€ to โ€œthe most unpopular girl in school.โ€ Iโ€™m not exaggerating here. I was laughed at in the hallways by kids I barely knew, things were thrown at me, you name it.

I was the most unpopular boy in school during middle school. Everyone hated me. Even my previous friends nearly all abandoned me. I was just too weird, too poor, and too much of a misfit — especially for very conformist rural North Florida. I was beaten up nearly every day, my belongings stolen and even the teachers made fun of me openly. My own family members refused to acknowledge me in school if they weren’t also mocking me.

It was hell. If you want to know why I tend to be hyper-vigilant and remain at the periphery of any group, that is exactly why. Amanda Marcotte and the other middle-school-popular kids who tend to perpetrate this sort of bullying all claim it’s not a big deal (especially for boys). In fact, I believe she claimed it doesn’t even happen, particularly to boys.

But it was a big deal and it does happen. Luckily, it got better and so did I. I am fine now. But at the time, though I was never suicidal, I didn’t care if I lived or died. Which is why I won some fights I shouldn’t have and at least got a reputation for being tough (though still very much despised). It’s certainly a lot easier to prevail in a fight when you don’t care what happens to you.

I lived, made it through, and emerged into full awesomeness as an adult. Meanwhile, many of my peers who tormented me are now dead* or look like they are.

*No, I did not kill them.


Just to be clear, I do hope Kamala Harris wins in November. Though I will vote, I live in California so my vote for president matters not a whit. Trump is too old, too erratic, too corrupt and too clownish to be a feasible choice. Harris is no picnic but she is better than the alternative.

I cannot predict what Trump will do, but mostly it’ll be bad or ineffective. And he’s likely to scrap support for Ukraine altogether, which would be a huge mistake. Harris is mediocre but predictable. That I can work with.

The introverts are winning. Technology is enabling us to retreat from the outside world. But we should resist the urge โ€“ for ourselves and for each other.

The difference between the men’s 100m freestyle final 88 years apart.

Retailers Locked Up Their Productsโ€”and Broke Shopping in America. CVS, Target and other chains have barricaded everything from toiletries to cleaning supplies. Itโ€™s backfired in almost every way.

A comprehensive list of 2024 tech layoffs.

Ukraine Claims Sinking of Russian Submarine in Missile Strike.

Data centers demand a massive amount of energy. Hereโ€™s how some states are tackling the industryโ€™s impact. States that offer tax exemptions to support the industry are reconsidering their approach.

Conversations with the Incel-Adjacent, Part 1.

How two topsy-turvy weeks upended Trumpโ€™s 2024 campaign.

How China bought its way into national fishing grounds around the world.