What Plan

Russian assault on trenches goes bad, disembarked troops are immediately abandoned by their ride, and then subsequently gunned down by entrenched Ukrainian soldiers at close range.

Warning: People die in this.

I just cannot get over Russian tactics. What was the fucking plan here? Pull an APC right up to well-defended trenchline and immediately leave the troops you drop off exposed by hauling ass as quickly as possible? Never fire the main gun at all? It’s not even pointed at the enemy. I know a lot of that old Russian crap doesn’t work at all, but Jesus Christ, a literal child could have come up with a better assault plan than that.

Against an established, defended trenchline, even if they’d sent 30 dudes they all would’ve still died. There was zero suppressive fire and no cover or concealment.

To Ian Welsh, this is winning. To anyone who’s not a pitiful putzy Putin bootlicker, this is fucking psychotic insanity.

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