
That is incredibly sad. But how does anyone get this far gone? I won’t even hand over $5 to grifters in parking lots for “gas.” I can’t imagine just sending some mook my entire fucking life savings and more. It simply does not compute.

Part of the reason I read the scams sub-reddit is to realize though I might’ve done some ill-advised things in my life, I’ll never do some shit like that.

Hold on, though. Alexandra Daddario is calling me on the other line, she probably needs some rent money again….


Pretty sure I’ve been watching modern combat footage too much. Thinking about drones hovering, ever-watchful, waiting to attack. People dying doesn’t bother me but the idea of something that’s relentless and inhuman stalking me from above is a pretty terrible idea.

Will lay off that footage for a bit — at least the drone attacks. We’ve somehow found a way to make war even worse. Now that is innovation.

Spite Fueled

How old were you when you realized that your original plan of being really nice, working really hard, and taking on way more than you should, hoping that you would automatically be rewarded for it without asking, was completely bullshit?

Eight years old, getting my ass trounced in the playground and the teachers doing nothing to help or actively making fun of me for being weak and not worth their time.

Then I knew I was going to have to fight for everything and against everyone. And that early lesson was essentially correct. And so I did it.

Anger is a gift and spite is the fuel.

Tac Tick

Russian arty is less accurate because the equipment is inferior, but also because their tactics are different. Russian doctrine is typically to spam artillery and people across the line willy-nilly and consolidate gains as this slowly causes enemy attrition. The Ukrainians don’t have enough ammo or people to do this. Russian artillery is often barely aimed, and it shows. Which is my long way of saying that I agree; those ratios are highly misleading.

Timer Bins

Indeed, this is the actual effect of RTO policies:

RTO means terrible decision-making in general. So those companies would be doubly unpleasant to work for. Not only would they have bad management (as evinced by RTO), but the people working there will be shit because they’re the ones too incompetent or uncompetitive in the job marketplace to be hired anywhere without RTO policies.

Me, I get real recruiting offers nearly daily. I have vast choice. RTO me at your own peril. Won’t hurt me a bit to go work somewhere else for more money. And I will definitely provide benefit to whatever company is lucky enough to hire me.

Saw It

I think this is generally true:

Many women like to womansplain about what men “really feel” or how they should feel in a given situation1. They see all emotions and relationships as their territory by right, and just as many men “mansplain” when a woman talks about cars or reciprocal saws, a whole lot of women do that when men talk about anything related to feelings or relationship dynamics. These women are perfectly happy to gaslight you about your own reactions, emotions and preferences. They will even attempt to tell others how you “truly feel” about something that in no way matches what you’ve said or how you actually feel.

And yes, it absolutely is just as toxic when women womansplain as when a man does his version of the same.

  1. Of course, this is always 100% how they’d react only.


In addition to sociopaths in management, a lot of the rank-and-file RTO types are those who look at work as a social club and as a free party. Without exception, these people are incredibly unproductive and drag down the productivity and sanity of anyone around them. However, they are generally loved by management as they have good social skills.

But no one within 100 feet of them gets anything done all day. I’ve worked at a company where these people predominated and it was terrible.

Tall Poppy

Part of the human condition seems to be that others try to force you to conform to their own limitations. I understand the urge, I guess, but why it seems so imperative to so many I don’t know.

Perhaps my incredibly strong negative reaction to this tendency came from where and how I grew up. I spent so much of my early life being beaten down by others because they wanted me reduced back to their level. Didn’t work; just made me better.