
Billionaire Donors Have It Out for This Legal Prodigy, but President Harris Will Need Her.

If Harris wins and fires Khan, that will be a huge unforced error. I’m glad that seems to be off the table now. Obviously, it’s great that billionaires hate Lina; it means she is doing her job correctly. She’s the best thing that has happened to the FTC in ages.

I’m biased as I’m a Khan OG; I’ve been reading her papers and work since she was still in law school. And she’s a good example that wisdom has little do to do with age. She’s only 35 now, but became FTC chair when she was 32. And she was incredibly smart and wise already when I started reading her when she was 23.

Just shows how busted that whole discourse is, really (to veer completely off-topic).


Midnight Mass is pretty good but quite slow, even for me. And I am definitely one who enjoys plodding, methodical movies and TV shows. Also, I don’t care about religious themes very much and the show is perfused with those.

It’s still worth watching, though. And I do like that Mike Flanagan (the director) tends to use the same cast, so you get to experience their range and talent across various shows he makes. Overall, the work feels like a stage play on screen. I enjoyed this but will not be to many people’s taste admittedly.

Recommended, with caveats.

The former CEO of a small Kansas bank was sentenced to more than 24 years in prison for looting the bank of $47 million โ€” which he sent to cryptocurrency wallets controlled by scammers who had duped him in a โ€œpig butcheringโ€ scheme. Bro you could’ve just sent that money to yourself.

A data-driven case for productivity optimism.

How to Build a 50,000 Ton Forging Press.

Crayolaโ€™s Factory Makes 13 Million Crayons a Day for Back-to-School Season.

Mixed Story: What the Revision to the Jobs Data Means. Mostly accurate.

Economists Are Wrong About Price Gouging. And much else.