Bad Weird

The Year When My Husband Started to Act Like a Tsundere Teenage Girl to Get My Attention.

This is probably fake, but even if it’s real they both sound like just huge pieces of shit.

So let me get this straight, Korean woman wants to immigrate to the US, hooks up with the first guy who is nice to her, marries him for the green card and he ends up being a weirdo? SHOCKED! SHOCKED, I TELL YOU!

The guy seems like a total dud and perhaps an actual pedophile, but remember that we’re only getting one side of the story. And it seems like she never liked him in the first place. I do wonder how much of what he was doing just to attempt to get some sort of reaction, any kind at all, out of her? She seems so incredibly passive, like a slumberous passenger in her own marriage. She appears to have had zero care nor concern for her husband at all. If my partner started doing out-of-character weird crap, I’d try to get the bottom of it, try to help her. The woman who wrote this seems not to have a single actual concern about it other than her own self-interest.

I don’t believe this story for a second, especially the way it’s told; it’s just creepypasta of the worst incel tropes all mashed together into some sort of implausible biscuit designed to inflame the war of the sexes — but even if it were true, both of them are vile in their own particular ways.

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