
What About Pizza Hut Are You The Most Nostalgic For?

That it was a treat, mainly. Something special. My immediate family was poor; we did not go to restaurants pretty much ever. Pizza Hut was something that was affordable and pretty good for a small town. It was one of the rare times I had food I actually enjoyed rather than just tolerated. When I knew I was going to get to go to Pizza Hut, I looked forward to it all week.

Their restaurants also used to be vastly better; they had salad bars, higher-quality food and better service.

And I personally always liked that they were very dimly-lit compared to other places. Made them feel kind of mysterious inside.

4 thoughts on “Zip

  1. What I liked about Pizza Hut was during traveling (with mother doing pr work for traveling shows during summer in the 1980s).
    Calling into Pizza Hut and picking up a pie to take back to the motel was an occasional treat, actually maybe cheaper than restaurants but a break from routine and a chance to abandon restaurant etiquette.
    And for some reason….. room temperature leftover pizza is maybe my all time favorite breakfast.
    Other than that I never much cared for Pizza Hut… Weirdly I liked Little Caesar’s.

    • That’s a nice memory.

      I miss when restaurants used to feel like specific places, rather than all being indistinguishable grey boxes. We’ve decided everything must look horribly ugly and we’re stickin’ to it.

  2. A girl I went to highschool with got a job waitressing at a Pizza Hut. We (her school friends) would go there and she would serve us pitchers of beer. We were all under age, nobody got hurt.

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