Run Water

Degrowth is clownish. And every time anyone criticizes degrowth, there’s the perfunctory “that’s not the good kind of degrowth” response. Yet any time I see anyone point to the so-called “good kind” of degrowth, it’s just like the above, except they want to take away your refrigerator and running water too.

I believe degrowth is like communism. There is some mythical version done correctly, but no one has ever seen it nor will they ever.


The myth is that men are sex-obsessed beasts who can think of and are concerned with nothing else.

The reality for most men: “This woman is naked with her legs spread and she’s pulling down my pants. Maybe she’s just tired? Or doesn’t like my pants? She probably doesn’t actually want sex. This is a trick or something. I better not chance it. Don’t want to be a creep.”

The above (only slightly exaggerated) happens so very often to men who are only used to disdain and rejection from women.

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