Big Munch

Yep. I worked with a fat guy who claimed he only ate 1500 kcals a day. I routinely saw him eat 1800 kcal breakfasts and 2000+ kcal lunches. I am sure dinner was much more than that. And the thing is, he sincerely believed he was eating only 1500 kcals per day.

People can be really, really deep into self-delusion. Nearly everything everyone reports about how much food they consume is a lie — and especially the obese.

Glossed Over

I actually do prefer women with no makeup. And the woman in the photo has a whole lot of makeup on.

A list of what she’s wearing:

  • Moisturizer (harder to tell this but most women apply it because foundation etc. dries out skin)
  • Primer
  • Foundation
  • Concealer
  • Foundation powder (light)
  • Bronzer (light)
  • Blush
  • Highlighter
  • Eyeshadow
  • Eyeliner
  • Mascara
  • Lipstick
  • Lip Gloss (cover gloss)
  • Setting powder

And I’m probably missing a few. Those are just the ones (except moisturizer) that I can frickin’ see with my own two eyes. Why can’t other men do this? It’s not hard. She’s wearing none of those things in huge amounts, but she has all of them on. And probably more that I can’t see.

Mental Wall

The pandemic mentally fucked some people forever. It’s not just guys. More than a few women I liked and respected are now just unreadable. They rant and rave about Covid ending civilization and their poor understanding of immunology day in and day out. They obviously had never been through anything really adverse before and could not handle the stress of the pandemic. And now we are all suffering from their lack of resilience.

One woman I knew personally (who never even caught Covid, at least when I knew her) went through a complete mental break, got fired from her job, and devolved even further into weird conspiracy theories. It was (and I mean this sincerely, as I liked her) sad to witness.

Def Clo

A lot of people’s definition of a war crime seems to be, “That makes me uncomfortable” or “That sounds bad.”

Which, well, ok. But it don’t make you right. Just clownish, which is a state many people are content to be in nearly full-time apparently.


This, however, was an actual war crime committed by Russia. These deaths were the result of a deliberate and targeted missile attack on a non-military civilian residential target 100km from the front with a guided missile — meaning it was intentional.

So now you fucking clowns know the difference.

War Vibes

And shooting retreating soldiers isn’t a war crime either. If they’re not surrendering, they are valid targets. What is a war crime is not based on vibes or feelings; it has an actual definition.

Also, yes, I would say that about Russians. Though I very much hope Ukraine prevails so we do not have to fight in Poland or the Baltics in 2032, the Russian army would be fucking foolish not to shoot retreating Ukrainian soldiers right in the back. As already noted, that is not and never has been a war crime. It is simply how war is conducted if one wants to win.

People get angry that words have meanings and that what’s true or not is not just based on vague notions of propriety picked up from TikTok. Too bad for them.


If porn creates negative unrealistic expectations of women to men, are there media forms that create the unrealistic expectations of men to women, and are there examples?

This is a good thread. Most are accurate. I’d add (others in that thread say this too) that a lot of women now expect you to have a chiseled, perfect body with a six pack (ร  la Hugh Jackman in the later Wolverine films) while they look like a crack-smoking dumpster orangutan themselves.

I don’t think that women realize what it takes to get jacked like that, especially if you don’t inject any steroids or other hormonal enhancements.

I’m just at the edge of that sort of physique and I’ve worked out ~six days a week for an hour-ish or more every day for six years to get there. And to actually look like Hugh Jackman in a shirtless scene, completely ripped abs and all, I’d have to starve myself for a month and dehydrate myself for three days beforehand (that’s what he does).

That is a hugely unrealistic expectation that more and more women seem to have.


I think people are going to be really disappointed in 50-100 years when robotics, LLMs, and custom reasoning systems become good enough to create an AI that is functionally and cognitively indistinguishable from the average human.

I do think this is possible, and likely. And it’ll show both how limited and how complex humans are. Especially the default model. There are no miracles within us. No, we must create those ourselves. Out there.

Study: A key ocean current is holding strong, despite a predicted slowdown.

The Worldโ€™s Most Desperately Needed Airplane Is Back in Production.

Fedโ€™s high-rates era handed $1tn windfall to US banks.

War in the age of AI demands new weaponry.

Free Speech on the Internet: The Crisis of Epistemic Authority.

Inside the Loop: Decoding the Mystery of Self-Awareness in Cognitive Systems.

The problem was the same for the Positivists as it was for Hume-there is really no way to make verification work without either rendering it trivial, or so epistemically conservative that it makes virtually all knowledge impossible.