
About this post, I just want to be clear on something. The distance between those like me and the average doofus is much smaller than the distance between me and someone like John von Neummann. It’s not even close; it only seems that way because the average doof is not clever enough to discern the vast gulf between levels they can’t even perceive.

But I am just smart enough to be able to see that divide. And someone like Johhny V is vastly smarter than I am, far more than someone like me compared to John or Jane Q. Public.

To put it in numeric terms, I’m 20x smarter than the average person. But Archimedes is 10,000x smarter than I am. Or he would be were he still alive. But it all looks the same when you’re on the bottom.

I know you’re not supposed to talk about this obviously-true but hurtful stuff. But I don’t care. I like to have a real self-evaluation of what I’m capable of and what I’m not. I’m little concerned with what anyone else thinks about it.


Maybe an unpopular opinion, but working in IT has taught me that people are generally… really dumb?

What I’ve run into is that most people cannot read. And by that I mean that they are functionally illiterate. I’d say that’s true of about 90% of people. They can see words and sort of connect them but don’t really know what they mean in any larger, cohesive sense; there is no gestalt that ever forms.

And the second problem is that hardly anyone can follow step-by-step directions at all. Of the users I’ve supported over the years, maybe 5% of them could correctly complete anything with more than 3-4 steps to produce the expected end result.

So, combine functional illiteracy with the related inability to follow any sort of procedure reliably and it’s amazing anything gets done at all.


That statement of Butler’s is fully of dumbassery, sure, but in my experience most people are only smart in one or two areas, if that. The rest they are just utter blithering idiots, less clueful than even the average kindergartner.

Exceptional people are knowledgeable in a dozen or so. I am one of those.

And really absurdly nonpareil amazingly exceptional people are knowledgeable and capable in dozens of different fields. There are only a few of those who have ever lived. Archimedes was one. John von Neumann was another. There aren’t many more, really.

So, yeah, most people are complete dumbasses other than in the area on which they are laser-focused.

On v. In

I have a woman friend halfway across the world. We had been chatting via texts and she stopped responding. Since she’s many hours ahead time-wise, I figured she’d just fallen asleep. Which she had.

She texted this morning: “Sorry I fell asleep in you.”

Then: “ON you. Just want to be clear that I meant ON you. FUCKING LOL.”

Me: “I’m pretty sure I’d remember if it’d been the other thing.”



Doesn’t take a deep dive into history to know that. So if you want to ask, “Who was there first?” It wasn’t the Palestinians. (I personally think that question is fucking idiotic but that is what a lot of anti-semites use to argue against Israel’s existence, so I enjoy hoisting them by their own retards1.)

  1. Yes, this is intentional.

Dune or Dune Not

I was talking with a woman at work and I mentioned I’d seen the first Dune in 70mm Imax.

She said, “Isn’t that pretty small?” For a split second, I had no idea what she was talking about. Then I realized she thought “70mm” was the screen size, not the film stock. I couldn’t help laughing. But once I explained she laughed along with me. I still chuckle a little thinking about it.

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Divers in Mexicoโ€™s Underwater Caves Get a Glimpse of Rarely Seen Artifacts, Fossils and Human Remains.

The sneaky credit card rip-off.

The Pig Butchering Invasion Has Begun.

New Map Shows Community Broadband Networks Are Exploding In U.S.

China Is Ready for War. And Thanks to a Crumbling Defense Industrial Base, America Is Not.

The End Of The SaaS Era: Rethinking Softwareโ€™s Role In Business.

The presidential race is far tighter than many Democrats probably realize. The race most likely hinges on a few thousand voters in Pennsylvania.

Russian Missiles, American Chips. How a weapon packed with US technology killed a 6-year-old girl in Ukraine.

Ahead Lies Ruin: The Decay of Social Trust.