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Because men are seen as disposable and the “natural” recipients of violence, no one cares what happens to us. I can guarantee that I’ve gotten my ass beat more than all but the worst female recipients of domestic violence and no one gives a crap about that. Hell, I don’t even care all that much to be perfectly honest. It’s just something that happened.

But because men are the most common perpetrators of violence (though that is overstated, it just doesn’t get counted when women do it) and seen as worth less, it’s a fact that there isn’t much concern with its effects on men. For some reason, men are seen as deserving it as it’s mostly men who perpetrate it.

But I’ve been attacked by both men and women and it didn’t seem to matter to me who was attempting to harm me. All felt about the same.

It’s too bad the incels were right about a lot of things but chose such a dumbass way to deal with it. It’s a conversation we need to have and now can’t, societally, because the well has been utterly poisoned by their clownery.


What is the big deal about the Central Limit Theorem? To me, it seems pretty obvious. Not that I would’ve discovered it back in the day but now that it has been discovered it seems easy to understand.

I see articles from time to time talking about how amazing and revolutionary CLT is and was, and I guess? But it just seems like, how could it be any other way? It’s like saying, “Isn’t it amazing the color ‘red’ is ‘red!'” Wow!”

Maybe I’m missing something.


As a reflexive contrarian from way back, the danger of being that way is that it does tend to lead you to doing assclownish things like supporting Putin if you’re not also a reflective contrarian.

Ian Welsh used to be the latter. Now he’s not. If it hurts America, he’s all for it. Even if it harms him too. There are too many others like him.

I truly do wish these clowns would go fight in Putin’s meat waves. But then that’d actually help Putin too, so I guess I’m not really for that. Not much help, admittedly — they’d all be killed in the first 10 seconds of any combat. But still, even marginal meat helps Putin.



I was thinking about that other day, how the “Ukraine should just roll over and be genocided” people clearly believe in great power competition, they just want one side to lose. I will never understand Putin worshippers, especially those who were born in and are citizens of any Western country. Like, couldn’t you find someone less odious to worship? Less genocidal? Less comically evil?

I will never understand the Chomsky and Welsh types who get off on being in thrall to a complete douche like Putin.

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