
On my older blog that was much more popular ~20 years ago, I had people who absolutely hated me yet read every post and commented on some of them. I never understood why they kept reading, especially so religiously. If I despise someone I generally just stop reading them. That’s even true for Ian Welsh, who is my ideological nemesis. These days I don’t read anything of his except if someone links to it and I need to endure it to understand the argument. (Incredibly redundant, though, as it’s usually just Putin worship.)

Why spend so much time reading the work of someone you hate?


why men are more communitive with friends than girlfriends?

Because in most cases, anything you reveal and share about your worries and vulnerabilities with a girlfriend definitely will be used to harm you in the future. Women keep records. Men do not. Not nearly as often, anyway. And women also mostly hate it when men look weak in any way. They believe even the hint of a man having emotions as their having to do “emotional labor.”

Other than my present partner (which is one of the many reasons I’m still with her), 100% of the women I’ve dated or been a relationship with have been this way.

Why, I do not know. But it seems incredibly common with women. It must have to do with socialization but even with as many women friends as I have, I don’t understand it — since behaving this way harms the woman in question too.

Peer at This

“Butts in chairs” is such a terrible, MBA measure of productivity. It’s just worthless. But easy to measure, I guess.

How do I know? Because I routinely complete items and projects in two hours my peers need 2-3 days to do. And I’m not even trying that hard. My productivity is astronomically higher often. So why again is it important that I sit in that chair all day so it pleases some useless middle manager?

Won’t see me there ever again, nope.


I wouldn’t say it’s the worst. There’s some pretty atrocious software out there. But OneDrive is certainly near the bottom. It never works quite right, is confusing to use, and has no easy way to admin it.

Boomers are the wealthiest generation thatโ€™s ever livedโ€”and millennials are the โ€˜biggest losersโ€™ thanks to economic crises.

On the brink: Israel, Iran and the rising threat of regional conflict.

There can be no sustainable peace in Europe without security for Ukraine. Agreed. Because Putin will come for your country next.

J. D. Vance and the Failed Effort to Memory-Hole January 6th.

Why do divorced guys dress like that?

U.S. Wiretap Systems Targeted in China-Linked Hack.

Near-shoring is turning eastern Europe into the new China.

How Helene became a โ€˜worst case scenario.โ€™

Mozilla’s massive lapse in judgement causes clash with uBlock Origin developer. Mozilla having a massive lapse in judgment? Not possible!

Truth Social Users Are Losing Ridiculous Sums of Money to Scams. Looks like I need to get on that platform. For, uh, reasons.