
WGU alumni accepted into Brown for Grad school.

I’ve gone to several community colleges and have had friends in state schools and Ivy League schools. And I have a degree from WGU.

Given my direct experience and my proxy knowledge, I’d say WGU is better than the average community college and about the equal of a mid-level state school. It is not a diploma mill (one of the reasons I chose it), but it absolutely does not work like a regular school. In some ways — many ways — it’s harder. There are no classes, so you have to learn everything yourself, at your own pace.

For many people that’s impossible. Hence why there is a pretty low graduation rate.

The exams are proctored and many are extremely difficult. I’m ace at taking exams and I nearly failed one, which is unheard of for me. I don’t think I’ve failed a single non-math exam in my life. Still haven’t, but the practical SQL exam I barely passed.

Because the exams are all-or-nothing and there is only one, you have to remember a whole lot more than you do for the average college class. I have a capacious memory so this was ok for me. Many people flunk out because they cannot do this, though.

I did finish my degree fairly quickly, but it’d be fucking embarrassing if I couldn’t plow through a degree in a field in which I have nearly 25 years of professional experience. That’s why you see some people finishing so fast. Hell, many of those classes I could’ve easily taught with no prep at all. (I also had half of my credits fulfilled by community college and high-level certs.)

WGU is not a school for everyone. If you’re not self-motivated with a quality memory and experience already in your degree field, you’ll probably fail. But it’s a great school for some people and I happened to be one of them.


What are some signs youโ€™re about to be laid off?

The top ten signs you’re about to be laid off (Dave Letterman style):

10) Your manager refers to you as “My new yacht payment” during a meeting.

9) Your chair is replaced with a five gallon bucket and your desk is now damp cardboard.

8) When you attempt to badge in, the badge reader makes the “womp womp” sound.

7) You manager adds you to a Slack channel called #FutureHomeless.

6) Your desk becomes a Mad Max scene of office supplies theft and looting.

5) Mandatory brain download into an AI that has taken your name and face.

4) Your company car is replaced with a Big Wheel.

3) When you go to the company all-hands conference, the HR table shoots spitballs at you.

2) Karen body checks you in front of the coffee maker and says, “You won’t be needing that anymore.”

And now, the number one sign that you’re about to be laid off:

1) Just like your parents did, the office and everyone in it moves without telling you the new address.

Thank you, ladies and gentleman. Now for our first guest.

Google’s AI thinks I left a Gatorade bottle on the moon.

Congress fights to keep AM radio in cars. As they should.

Greening of Antarctica shows how climate change affects the frozen continent.

Putinโ€™s โ€˜Merchant of Deathโ€™ Is Back in the Arms Business. This Time Selling to the Houthis.

A large new analysis of meta-studies finds that exercise is more beneficial for conditions such as anxiety and depression than standard psychotherapy or medications.

Hurricane Helene could cost $200 billion. Nobody knows where the money will come from. Almost none of the storm’s devastation will be paid out by insurance.

The Great Florida Migration Is Coming Undone.

Ireland is a โ€˜playgroundโ€™ for Russian intelligence, says former army chief.

As affordable housing disappears, states scramble to shore up the losses.

OK, Forget it, False Alarm, Labor Market Is Fine, Bad Stuff Last Month Was Revised Away, Wages Jumped. No More Rate Cuts Needed?