Data Loss

Security Department required me to reimage end user’s PC, how can I best placate an end user who is furious about the lost data?

Never, ever, ever, ever, ever ever believe any end user or any manager about data not needing to be backed up, or having already been backed up, or anything an end user says about any data.

Always do a backup. Always. Even if your manager says not to. Even if it is against company policy (just don’t get caught). Because like as not, your own manager will throw you under the bus as at fault when some exec goes haywire over missing data. I think every IT person in the world has learned this the hard way. I certainly did.

End users lie and are clueless. Managers are unreliable. Image that fucking drive before anything else. These days it only takes 10-15 minutes and could save your job.


By the way, we are happy with our new (to us) house and would be happy even if it halved in “value.”

We bought it to live in, not as an investment vehicle. We only pulled the trigger on buying when we knew we could afford the house to be worth $0 and we’d be financially ok. We are lucky to have that privilege. Lucky, and worked hard too. And I have zero guilt about exercising that privilege and reaping the rewards of my luck and my work.


I bet he can actually read. Of course, I am biased by my own experiences.

I was accused of memorizing books when I could definitely read very young, between 3-4 years old. I remember being angry about that. (One of my earliest memories is being incensed at adults underestimating me.) I could read fine. To prove I could actually read, I picked up one of my grandfather’s electrical engineering books and started reading it aloud. There were some words I didn’t yet know, but I had no problem with most of it.

That shut ’em up. For a little while, anyway.


Good. Wish I could’ve pulled the trigger myself. I have no compunction nor remorse for taking out trash. That would have zero weight on my conscience because I would’ve done the world a service. I’d never torture anyone, as they tortured Shani. It’s pointless. It’s counterproductive. But some people just deserve two bullets in the head and one in the heart.

Because these sort of things should be seen, and because her family wanted this anti-civilized horror to be witnessed to shame the world, here is Shani’s body with the (mostly) now-dead savages (it’s not clear Shani is dead yet in this photo or not but I hope she was1):

But let’s not remember her like that only.

What happened to Shani is what you support when you back Hamas, you useful idiots.

  1. There is an even worse video where her lifeless naked body is paraded through the streets of Gaza, but I can’t bring myself to watch that again. And I don’t want to subject anyone else to that either.

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