Personal Space

I’ve noticed this when I’ve interacted with Gen Z and with younger Millennials. Used to be, my social skills would’ve been woefully sub-par at the same age they are. But now their social capability is so terrible I would’ve been a social butterfly comparatively.

It’s shocking to realize that those below the age of ~32 just 100% do not know how to talk to anyone in person — not each other, not teachers, not older people. No one. It’s no wonder they have such difficulty with dating and are so prudish. The world of other humans right there in front of you must be absolutely terrifying to them. We have done fucked up, but I am not sure what to do about it (banning smartphones would be a good start).


The guy answered the question honestly and was roasted for it.

By the way, women (as pointed out) cheat at about similar rates when put in equivalent situations.

I strongly object to the narrative of late that all negative actions undertaken by men are due to males being inherently evil and that their intent is always malicious. On the other hand, the current discourse would have you believe that any action by a woman — no matter how horrific — has a legitimate reason behind it because women are innately good and angelic.

Women and men are flawed in equal measure is my take on the matter. Sometimes (though less than people imagine) these flaws, foibles, fuck-ups and faults express themselves in different ways, of course, but men are simply not inherently evil and women are not heavenly beings.

Feminism promotes the idea of the incorruptibility of women. And many buy into it — so much so that it has become culturally dominant. But it’s bullshit and I think even those spreading that notion realize it, but won’t stop because it benefits them enormously.

Sexing Test

I disagree with this pretty strongly. With a good enough sex robot the illusion of desire will be indistinguishable from actual desire. This is all that most people will require. To expand that a bit, once the uncanny valley is crossed — and it will be — most men and most women will be content with “someone” who is always insatiably attracted to them, interested in them, and shares their kinks and predilections.

This is just obvious if you know even a little bit about human nature.

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