Healthy Skepticism

Why conventional wisdom on health care is wrong (a primer).

Wow, this is full of fancy-looking and fancy-sounding absolute bullshit. I don’t have time to refute all of this (though it’s all just clownishly wrong and fairly easily refutable), but like a lot of BS, unfortunately my refutation would need to be 3x longer than the stupid article itself.

This is a great example of a high-IQ person using flimflam and $10 words to hoodwink those less intelligent. Because that technique really fuckin’ works, which is exactly why it is so often used.

Here’s something that’s a bit more sane and doesn’t launder and fudge the numbers to get the author’s desired conclusions.

I know that the quant clowns think it should be illegal to use qualitative anything, but by way of anecdote here’s a friend of mine’s experience of US healthcare vs. UK healthcare (she’s English) as best I can remember:

“I broke my ankle in the UK. I walked right in, they fixed it and it cost me ยฃ30. I cut my arm diving in the US and it was a 10-hour wait and it cost me $5,000. And they did a much worse job than the NHS doctors. I don’t know how you guys live like that.”

And that’s a very common experience of those who require health care in sane countries vs. the US. Only libertardians like whoever that fucking idiot who wrote the first article is can believe anything different.

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