Trad Dish

AITA for kicking my friends out after they made racist comments about my culture?

Damn, what a bunch of absolute assholes. I’d be over the moon if some Pakistani grandmother made me a bunch of nosh.

One of my favorite memories of being in China is when a girl I was friends with (yes, we were “just” friends) invited me over to her family home for dinner. Her mother made a bunch of Chinese dishes (definitionally, because as noted I was in China). It was one of the best meals I’ve had in my entire life.

I ate an absurd amount of food and Ling Ling’s (my friend’s) mom was really happy that some random foreigner liked her cooking so much.

That dinner was amazing. It’s one of those meals you just sit around and reminisce about sometimes.

Div Urge

Indeed. Women’s idea of what men find attractive and what men actually find attractive is highly divergent. Obviously, not all men nor women are the same, blah blah blah.

What men find attractive (80%+): A woman who is fit and not obese, in normal to tight-ish regular clothes in minimal or minimal-looking makeup, not much perfume and not slathered with weird stinky lotion, and a smile. A simple sundress is super attractive to most men if you can pull it off (and in my experience, sundresses are very easy to pull off…oh, wait, what were we talking about here?).

What women think men find attractive (but is actually just intrasexual competition): An expensive evening dress, 2 hours of full-face makeup, four-inch heels, complicated lingerie, various high-end perfumes and lotions, and a bratty but stand-offish personality and affect.

Not many men actually find the latter attractive, though an absurdly-large number of women believe that is what most men find appealing. But it just ain’t true.

Front Grunt

Our number one goal right now militarily should be evicting Russia from all of Ukraine (including Crimea) so we don’t have to fight Russia in Poland and the Baltics in ~2030 while China attempts to take Taiwan.

That is going to be the play now that Russia is a vassal state of China. We simply do not have the capability to fight on two fronts like that, even with allies assisting. Yes, I do mean that there should be US and NATO troops in Ukraine fighting alongside Ukrainian forces. And more importantly, combat aircraft and more air defense.

We’ve allowed our enemies the ability to set the stage now. We should short-circuit that while we still can.

Damn, I miss the ’90s.


Anyone who thinks Sinwar was a hero is a scumbag idiot. All of them should go join Hamas and see what happens to them. But it is kind of an odd thing that all of those clowns believe Sinwar was a heroic figure, that Ukraine has no right to exist, and that the US is the greatest evil on the planet.

It doesn’t matter that they are on the left or the right. Horseshoe theory in action. All just utter dipshits. And in fact, the worst combo: the dipshit/useful idiot combination. Execrable.


That should be much bigger news. But the press corps is a charred husk of its former self, too concerned with placating and pleasing those in power that it cannot recognize what in former times would be a story worth telling — one that will change the future and is likely to lead to a wider war.

Since You’re Gone – The Pretty Reckless

I don’t even like the song that much but Taylor’s voice is amazing. She has such control while singing so loud. Also, blonde goth girls are the rarest species of true goths. They are becoming endangered and should be protected at all costs1.

  1. Yes, I realize this video is 13 years old.


I feel guilty.

As I said in an earlier post, most people don’t know anything about anything (often even their own jobs). If an end user actually knows the name of the application they’ve been using for 15 years, I’m both shocked and pleased. Most do not.

Most people rely on rote memorization to do absolutely everything. Anything more than that is completely beyond them. If it involves any thinking, it ain’t gonna happen. It’s amazing humans have achieved as much as we have given our severe limitations; most people simply are not very smart or (even worse) very contemplative.

I feel like I’m a pretty limited thinker, really. But because I think at all in a semi-concerted fashion about things I seem like a damn genius.

Despite the advantages this gives me, I do not like it much. We aren’t gonna conquer the galaxy like this.