About the below, the trouble with using horrible tattoos to keep the undesirable men away is that they also repel the desirable ones.
Oopsie-doopsie! Again, FAFO.
About the below, the trouble with using horrible tattoos to keep the undesirable men away is that they also repel the desirable ones.
Oopsie-doopsie! Again, FAFO.
Huh, interesting idea. Tattoos are terrible and men hate them on women because that’s what (most) men are attracted to. Therefore, they don’t want those to whom they are attracted to look like a walking dumpster. It’s not mysterious.
It’s telling that Aella, who sells sex and beauty for money, did not get tattoos as having none increased her market value. Wise decision; I would’ve done the same even if I liked tattoos. Having tattoos makes me and many men instantly uninterested in any woman, sexually or romantically.
Some of us do have standards and women fucking HATE IT when men have standards.
Want to feel old? Excel just entered its 40th year.
I remember when Excel came out. Nine years old is when I started reading computer magazines and that’s when Excel debuted. At the time, it was seen as a woefully underpowered competitor to Lotus 123.
How things change.
There is a huge double standard here, even if the poster seems a little incoherent. A woman gets huge, blaring sympathy if she says she wants more intimacy and the man in question is not providing it. The man is blamed no matter what the woman does because he somehow must have “caused” it.
However, if a man wants more intimacy and the woman is not providing this, then the man is also invariably blamed, often with the accusers knowing zero details. In their eyes, he also must have somehow “caused” this. In other words, no matter who is complaining about the dead bedroom it is always the man’s fault because he is the only one seen to have agency.
Now why is that? Why must the man always be wholly responsible for the woman’s emotional well-being, even in this context of sex?
I tell you what, we men get tired of all this emotional labor women force us to do. ๐
I do too, mostly. I don’t really like cities much and don’t enjoy walking in them. Even “dense” ones. I’m glad that the option exists where it does, but it’s not for me. If I had more of a choice, I’d live 20-30 minutes away from a reasonably-sized city on 5-20 acres of land.
But ain’t no fiber out there.
2004 McDonalds Chicken Selects Commercials.
Wow, culture is very static compared to how frequently and drastically it used to change. These ads are twenty years old but they don’t feel all that dated. If the resolution were higher that could be be right now.
Imagine watching McDonald’s ads in 2004 from 1984 (same time separation). Back then, 1984 already seemed like a different world.
So for comparison, here are McDonald’s commercials from 1984-1985. Wow, that’s a whole different, weird universe there1.
Even I had kind of forgotten, though, how heavily McDonald’s ads were aimed at kids back then.
I was a reject misfit that had my ass beat pretty badly nearly every day for years. I made it out of that and prospered. Some people have it far worse than I did and still end up doing the same thing. It was probably a mistake to allow 14-year-olds to have opinions on the general internet because that’s where a lot of the, “Your life is ruined if you do one single thing wrong or if one bad thing happens to you!” ridiculousness comes from.
That, and Gen Z is actually really fragile in comparison to past generations due to helicopter parenting, smartphones and social media (the latter two are among the worst cognitohazards in history).
If I’d rebooted this blog 3-4 years ago, I would not even have had a “War” category (if it’d had categories then). Now it’s one I post in frequently.
And that’s because war is coming. It’s already here, really. We just don’t acknowledge it yet. Now’s the time to forestall it worsening or if those dogs must be fully unleashed, to make it the least bad possible war.
But mostly, we’re doing nothing. And that pains me.
Me gusta mucho esta banda de malditos raros.
M4 โeyeโ receptors are believed to be exclusive to the eye. Their activation causes constriction of the pupil and accommodation for near vision. Transduction is via G-proteins and a decrease in the second messenger cAMP through inhibition of adenylyl cyclase.
Elisabetta Battista et al., Crash Course Pharmacology (Fourth Edition)
The definitive Retail Hell playlist.
I like eight of those songs, though none of them I’d want to hear 20 times a day while working retail.
Listening to Covidians whinge just isn’t fun anymore. They remind me of those yappy little mutts that people drag around everywhere. You can’t for reasons of social decorum just punt those canine carbuncles into the sun, but instead are forced to endure their yipping despite nothing of value lost if the yapper in question were to be flattened by a tractor-trailer.
Though I don’t wish this fate on the Covidians, they are equally annoying when I encounter them. Yip-yap, shut ya trap.