Re-sent the Resentment

That’s true. I am deeply resentful because of and actually fucking hate all the people who spent so long telling me crap like, “You need to learn MATH! No matter what it takes! It’s the FUTUREEEEEEEEE!!!!111” And then making me do so against my will and skill.

Fuck you. Fuck you forever. The best path for me is to have been put in immersive language programs and such from three years old. I could’ve easily been fluent in 15+ languages by the time I was 18. Easily. That is my superpower and if I had been allowed to concentrate on that I would be so dominant none could stand before me. I’m still really good but there’s no replacement for learning stuff like that early — both because your brain is more plastic and because there is just more time.

I deeply to the bottom of my heart loathe, loathe anyone and everyone who made me spend a single fucking second on math instead of what I should’ve been doing. May every last one of you suffer in hell for all time for that sin against me.

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