Something I think that women in general do not understand about men walking at night or whatever is that we run about the same risk as getting assaulted (though not sexually assaulted, which does matter), we just don’t care as much.
And that makes a difference! We take more risks, even when the risk is greater. Women imagine men live in this fairy-tale-like peril-free state where we do whatever we want. But no. That ain’t the way it is. Women are just more neurotic (in the clinical sense) and risk-averse than men. Women will not do something even when the actual danger for them is lower than it is for men. On average, of course! People are all different and the sexes have some overlap.
Nature, nurture, who the fuck knows? And it’s an admixture of all that and more of course. I’m mainly trying to dispel the notion that men live in this risk-free utopia. Nope. We just accept the risk and move on with our lives and still get shit done.