Beast Mode

It’s weird how Ian Welsh and other clowns like to pretend that being beastly strong gives you no advantages at all. Like, I can do tons of things I just could not do before.

And not even all large-scale ones. For instance, I can type for much longer now without my fingers getting tired. And that’s just one of hundreds of noticeable changes.

The left is so weird about stuff like that.


I was considering writing something similar a while ago (note: I did not and in fact cannot read the article). I believe the denial of female intrasexual competition was part and parcel of feminism transitioning from a movement about equality to celebrating female ascendance — while simultaneously attempting to dodge all responsibility and accountability that should ride along with power. In this transition, all negative female qualities were minimized and/or denied. Anyone who did not play along was severely punished with cancellation and disapprobation.

Also, there was the attempt to claim that women and men are exactly the same in every way. And to believe that, of course, you have to deny a lot of obvious evidence. For sure, there is male intrasexual competition. But it truly pales in comparison to the female variant which is vicious, cruel and lifelong (males usually age out of this mostly in their late teens and early 20s).

Women, being so steeped in this intrasexual competition, often cannot believe that most men just do not really experience it and if they do, it’s minimal. But ladies, it’s true. In that way being a man is definitely better. All that toxicity is just not something we have to worry about.

(And 99.9999% of the “concern” about age gap relationships — especially when the woman is younger — is actually well-disguised female intrasexual competition manifesting.)

Priorities and Cost

Is it normal for admins to never follow up with users?

The service desk/help desk should be handling contact with users, especially in large orgs. This is for a variety of reasons, among them that it’s simply not time- or cost-efficient to have those making high salaries and with more important business priorities spending an hour helping a user find their start menu or use Excel.

In addition, once the users have the contact info of someone like me they start reaching out directly about issues like the above. It’s insane for the business to spend what I make an hour to help Jen from Accounting figure out how to format a PowerPoint slide.

For instance, a project I’m working on now matters a whole lot to our existing and our potential large enterprise customers. If I complete the project (which I will, I fucking rule) it will mean millions of dollars in potential revenue is easier to acquire and to retain.

Now, all that said, how does me spending two hours on the phone helping someone learn to bold items in Word make any kind of sense?

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