
I will never not be angry about how when I attempt to search my own goddamn computer, Windows gives me web search results first and foremost. Fuck anyone who had anything to do with that. They should all go to jail. And I am actually 100% completely serious about that.

2 thoughts on “Angray

  1. The caca-fication of search tools has been something to witness. They chucked Boolean and specific search terms out the window. At this rate we’ll be at MS-DOS levels of directory organization and I already have to explain to people the computer doesn’t magically organize their files or umpteen drafts and that hard drives and the “clouds” are not the same but now I gotta air tag files?

    • For a brief shining moment in the late 1980s and early 1990s, I thought we were on a path to a better, more informed society. Computers would offer more freedom, more knowledge, and more choices.

      But it went the opposite way. They just become fancier shackles and better propaganda dispersion devices. I guess I should have learned more from the history of radio and TV.

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