
Covidians: Lockdowns weren’t real! No one was even mildly inconvenienced by Covid restrictions anywhere in the world! It’s all lies!

Reality disagrees. Those who became mentally ill because of Covid (not the infection itself) are just angry that the political changes they wished would occur were not brought about by the pandemic. It’s sad to see.


If in this hypothetical scenario I were also allowed the ability to hire multiple full-time nannies and someone to manage and monitor the nannies, then I’d do it for nine figures — say $100 million.

If not, no amount of money would cause me to do this. To me, taking care of kids (even my own) would be absolute hell. It’s just one of the worst things I can imagine for myself.

Footprints show two species of ancient human relatives shared the same ground at the same time.

Chinaโ€™s Wacky And Puzzling New Aircraft Carrier Has Set Sail.

Monitor-eating office cat.

Resist the enclosure of the human psyche.

In Praise of Print: Why Reading Remains Essential in an Era of Epistemological Collapse.

Baby-boomer homeowners got rich from skyrocketing house prices. Now they can’t find retirement housing. Wah.

The Second Gilded Age: the Revenge of the New Robber Barons.

Why Kamala Harris lost: Around the world, incumbents are in trouble.

The Local Sheriffs Gearing Up to Help Trump Carry Out Mass Deportations.

This Is What the Worldโ€™s First All-EV Car Market Looks Like.