
From over 20 years of working in IT, I’ve learned these things:

1) Users don’t read. No matter what it is or how simple they won’t read it. And if they do read it, they won’t understand it.

2) Users won’t learn, or even try to learn. No matter how much it’d benefit them or save time, they simply will not.

3) Any users you force to learn will hate and resent you forever, and might even attempt to get you fired.

And note here that I am not talking about teaching a user to build a server or to design a network. That would be a fool’s errand. No, I mean actions such as trying to attempt to get the user to learn the name of the application they are actually using and have been using for 10+ years, or how to find the Start menu reliably. That’s all. Similar to teaching a new driver to locate the brake pedal.

Working in IT — and specifically on helpdesk — made me into much, much more of a misanthrope.


I will never not be angry about how when I attempt to search my own goddamn computer, Windows gives me web search results first and foremost. Fuck anyone who had anything to do with that. They should all go to jail. And I am actually 100% completely serious about that.

Can’t Win

This is because much of leftism is fundamentally an expression of unexamined and inexpressible religious feelings. This religiosity seems to be a human universal, but since leftists don’t have any framework for handling these urges, they reimplement them in a harmful and hamfisted way that alienates all but the most devout or mentally-deficient.

Degrowth, much of contemporary environmentalism and even a lot of NIMBYism is more about reinventing religion poorly than it has to do with anything else. Confessing with extreme joy about how much you are going to take away from people and how lovely you think that is will never be any path to victory. But of course, it’s not about winning. It’s about making the declaimer of deprivation feel good and just.


How do I tell my wife that I am going to get a vasectomy without crushing her soul?

Brother, if you are with a woman you are afraid will trick you into getting pregnant, you are with the wrong fucking woman no matter how many kids you have. For me, if I even suspected my partner were going to do something of that nature (kids or not), this would be a “leave immediately” situation. This is unconscionable.

How do people live like this?


It’s odd how it’s an “escalation” when Ukraine does something that Russia has long been doing to Ukraine, but it’s not an “escalation” when Russia invades a peaceful neighboring nation.

Now how does that work again? Reminds me of when I was bullied as a kid. If I fought back at all I was the problem, not the bullies who punched me, tripped me, stole my stuff or pushed me down and kicked my ass.

Yes, very familiar indeed.

Objectively Berlin

And people think I am making this shit up when I say it’s a Russian goal to roll into Germany again. It’s not even some covert, hidden objective. It’s just right out there in the open.

Flat Wrong

I still think about the leftist contention that Ukraine would be unable to offer any resistance against Russia because it’s flat. I think about it, and I laugh. It’s like a great joke you just recall from time to time and chuckle.

How and why this idea gestated among these military “experts” I have no idea, but it’s kind of like saying that someone can’t wear a jacket because they’re lying down. It just makes no goddamn sense.

But that’s how they roll. So, par for the course.