You Are The Problem

The new level of Tech coming into the IT field today, they don’t have the basics down. Is anyone else seeing this issue?

For sure. The younger techs have extremely poor troubleshooting skills and lack of knowledge because they did not grow up with computers. They came up on phones and click and drool interfaces, so they know how to do nothing and don’t understand how anything works.

Most of them should not be in the field as they cause more problems than they solve. The vast majority of them don’t really seem to get any better, either. I know I will incur the wrath of many but it does seem to matter if you’ve grown up with real, general-purpose computers or not.

The transformation of the Democratic Party from the party of the working class to the party of prosperous elites canโ€™t be ignored or wished away.

Scenes of Trench Warfare in the Age of Drones.

The Math Says Itโ€™s Getting Harder to Break Into the American Middle Class.

Shield AI MQ-35A V-BAT.

Lasers, Microwaves, Missiles, Guns Not On The Table For Domestic Drone Defense. Jesus Christ. We must do better.

Trump Thinks America Wants His Perversions.

The Mysterious Fees Inflating Your Grocery Bill.

The Only Reason to Explore Space.

Skills Social

And they tell me smartphones and social media are not generally harmful. It’s funny, I was criticized (rightly, in many cases) for how poor my social skills were until I improved them, but by comparison to younger millennials and Gen Z I was a social genius. Anyone under ~30 has just absolutely atrocious social capability. It’s shocking when you encounter it.

We’ve failed an entire generation and a half now.


The calculation China is running now — even apart from the election — is how far it can build up its military before America significantly reshores enough manufacturing to be able to fight an extended war.

This is what matters to the conflict that is coming; this is the make or break. It is a race most of us here in the US do not even know we’re running, but we are. If we can restore enough domestic manufacturing capability before China determines it’s ready to fight, we’ll come out ahead. If not, China will take Taiwan and eventually Philippines and the territory of other allies.

And right now, it’s not looking good for us.


This vid will piss a lot of people off and is half in “YouTube Voice” so it’s quite annoying, but it’s mostly true. Having done a similar upgrade myself, it has been odd and revealing to be treated as fully human by women now.

Women hug me randomly now in settings they never would’ve before. I had a woman at the DMV call and stay on hold for me with the DMV HQ for 20 minutes after I flirted with her and batted my eyelashes a little. She also waived all my fees. That never would’ve happened before my appearance changed. Not a freakin’ chance. When I am up to being charming and wear a tight shirt, there’s about a 98% chance I get what I want if there is a woman at the front desk or anywhere can she see me.

And it does also make me a little bitter.