Old as ’62

Huh. Those T-62s are old. Shows the Russians really are near to running out of anything useful. Those tanks were last produced by Russia in 1975 — 50 years ago now.

Not So

Siri โ€œunintentionallyโ€ recorded private convos; Apple agrees to pay $95M.

Remember when this was a “conspiracy theory?” I do — I recall when you were laughed at and mocked by the “smart” people for saying that your phone listened to conversations, even though it was obvious that it was happening if you had more than one brain cell.

As it turns out, both Apple and Android devices were doing it.

Fuck all y’all. Not so smart it turns out. Corporate shills are beyond contemptible.

Not Conversant

Can someone explain to me why you prefer conversation view in your email client? Tell me either here or offline. I just need to hear someone offer some sort of logic.

Modern email clients already did conversations (reply/forward, etc.) as a feature and have for 30+ years. For me, the “improved” conversation view makes items absolutely impossible to find. That might come from that I worked on helpdesk and related for so long and really need to be able to identify items and requests by date, which conversation view makes extremely difficult.

I just don’t get it and probably never will. But I’d still at least like to hear some sort of reasoning about it.

Serving Up

Who remembers Server 2003?

Server 2003 was the peak of functionality and design. It did exactly what it was supposed to do and nothing else. It was easy to use and it did not pretend to be a tablet or a phone. It hummed along without thieving any data at all and just worked.

I miss the days of non-cloud. Cloud nonsense made my job more difficult and far, far more complex, contra the claims of MBAs and cloud propagandists everywhere. That’s a lost fight now, of course — everyone seems perfectly willing to cough up every last bit of data, self-determination and self-respect to unaccountable corporations.

Server 2003 wasn’t perfect and it was still part of Microsoft’s stack, and even then they were doing very despicable things to be fair.

But IT, tech and the world has gotten worse since then, and more hostile to the users on all sides.

Mixing Again

The clownish and evil bastards at Mozilla have worked very hard to take away Tabmix Plus, which is the best extension ever made for Firefox. The Mozilla team seemed to wage a particular war against that extension and its users for some reason1. What I didn’t realize is that the developer with great effort managed to revive it.

The installation directions are a bit convoluted, but it works fine once you get it slammed in there.

It’s such a great extension that makes using the internet so vastly better. I donated $50 to the dev. What I wish I could do, though, is donate a billion dollars to myself, buy Mozilla, fire everyone and blackball them from the industry forever. But dare to dream, eh?

  1. I think this is because they were the most vocal about bad Mozilla choices dooming FF.


NIMBYs have made all of us significantly poorer compared to what could have been. One economist estimated that GDP would be 30% higher without NIMBY evil. I think that is probably correct, though I suspect the real number could be as much as 50% larger if we’d crushed NIMBYs when we should have (during the 1970s). Preventing people from living where productive work and economic prosperity is located has all sorts of follow-on effects that are difficult to account for.

Areas with year-round good weather like San Diego and its immediate surroundings should probably have a population of 20+ million.

Manta rays inspire faster swimming robots and better water filters.

The torture of an unphilosophical life.

79% of Americans feel burned out as they put most vacation time toward errands, doctor visits, and family care.

Breaking Down the Wealth of Americaโ€™s Top 20 Billionaires.

Drugmakers to raise US prices on over 250 medicines starting Jan. 1.

UnitedHealthโ€™s Army of Doctors Helped It Collect Billions More From Medicare.

How Vietnam emerged as a serious rival to Chinaโ€™s export machine.

US Treasury says it was hacked by China in ‘major incident.’

A Politics of Hope Is Our Best Hope.

America, China, and the Death of the International Monetary Non-System.