Witch One

I love Ex Machina but I think The Witch is the best film made in the last 20 years at least.

Just such a goddamn good film that stays true to itself throughout. And everyone gives stellar performances. It is one of the few flawless films that I’ve seen.

Crime Against

There’s a lot of people who scream “war crimes” about combat footage who don’t seem to actually realize that people get killed in combat.

Yes, it’s horrifying. But it is what happens. It’s a crime against how the world should be, but it is not a war crime.

Sort by Likelihood

These people are fucking delusional and are still claiming the near-certainty that phones serve ads based on overheard conversations is a conspiracy theory:

I’ve told it before but I’ll relate it again. I was hanging out with a friend in a hotel room. Neither one of us had used our phones to search for barbecue grills. Ever. She has no interest in barbecue grills and doesn’t own one. I at that time did not own one and had not for a while.

So we were joking around about barbecue grills for some reason. It was all of a 20-30 second bit of a longer conversation. After we were done talking, she got on her phone to look at something and said, “That’s odd. I just got an ad for a barbecue grill. I’ve never gotten an ad for that before and we were just talking about it.” She went to a few other sites and also got some ads for grills. I confirmed with her after that she’d never searched for barbecue grills, didn’t own one, and had never had one as an adult and that no one in her household did or was likely to have searched for one.

Now, what’s more likely — that her phone was listening to her, or that a random ad for barbecue grills (that, again, she had never seen before) just happened to pop up 2-3 minutes after we’d discussed it?

Hmm, I wonder.

People just accept the corporate line without even a single fucking thought in their heads, don’t they?


United Healthcare Accused of Denying Claim of Woman in Coma in Deleted Post.

To the tune of this song:

Woman in a coma
UHC knows
UHC knows
It’s not serious

UHC hopes she won’t pull through
UHC hopes she won’t pull through

Woman in a coma
UHC goes
UHC goes
Hospital care should be up to us

There were times
When they could have treated her
But you know, they would hate anything
To stand in the way of a transfer
To the incinerator

Woman in a coma
UHC says
UHC says
Treatment is superfluous

And I’m sure that doctor got ordered by the powers-that-be to delete his post ASAP; they are really cracking down on dissent now since Mangione.

Hackity Hack

Most of what I do in the tech space these days are absurd and ridiculous hacks to attempt to get applications and services to work like they should and that they formerly did, rather than as their authoritarian makers are attempting to herd me to into.

I don’t herd well.

I realize that most of it is about ability to steal data and personal info, but that’s not any kind of excuse. I miss the days when I was in control of my own machine and what it did. They were far better.

It’s great to believe that accepting migrants from difficult circumstances is a moral obligation. But that doesn’t absolve us of carefully accounting for the burdens and benefits of taking on that moral obligation.

How Big Pharma Is Wrecking the Inflation Reduction Act.

The No-Hunger Games: How GLP-1 Medication Adoption is Changing Consumer Food Purchases.

Paiute War.

The remote Kazakh Steppe that became a gateway to space.

The Players on the Eve of Destruction. The insanity of war has returned to our world. And we’re just at the beginning of the beginning.

What to know about string of US hacks blamed on China.

Russia furious: Chinaโ€™s electronics arenโ€™t battlefield ready.

Still on the hunt, the FBI shares new details about pipe bombs placed ahead of Jan. 6.

Neurologists have grappled with a cluster of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis cases in France, where a fondness for a toxic wild mushroom may hold the answer.