Not Too

The liberals and progressives have become total nutballs about this, to a level I just cannot understand. They moved so fast from #MeToo to “If you can’t stand some sexual assault, being set on fire, or your kids being abused, you’re a MAGA loser!” I mean, what the fuck.

Rolling In the Conference Room

How many jobs are really just One Job?

These days, none. All the executive assistants, secretaries, even the junior team members have been wiped out. I’ve had similar jobs all throughout my IT career 1 and when I started more than 20 years ago, I had an assistant. That’d be unheard of now. I also only had 2-3 actual roles. The expectations were much smaller back then even at a similar career level.

Now I have somewhere between 20-30 roles. This seems to only getting worse. One of the reasons jobs are so much more cognitively demanding now is that most people can be ok to good at a few things, but it takes a whole different breed to be competent at 20+.

But that’s what the corporate types are demanding these days.

  1. I was doing basically what I am doing now by the time I was 26.

Over Time

So strange how the feminist project of the past decade or more has been to re-infantilize women and revert progress back to the 1950s or before. Do all movements trend toward conservatism over time?

I really do believe that soon feminists will be calling for a male relative to accompany women everywhere.


Yep. I’m not much of a programmer, but even I could write a program that would work fine for years. Do exactly what it was supposed to. And then, when some date or other trigger is hit, it’d assemble from random innocuous-looking code another program that nuked your computer and everything it could reach on the network. This isn’t even that hard 1.

  1. In fact, it’s basically how a lot of ransomware works today.

Labor Market Dynamics Retighten, Job Openings Jump Again. Fed Faces Scenario of Solid Job Market, Re-accelerating Inflation.

The Gambling Industry’s Sly New Way To Suck Money From Desperate Americans.

Cost Of Navyโ€™s Newest Arleigh Burke Destroyers Is Ballooning.

Why Is the American Diet So Deadly? A scientist tried to discredit the theory that ultra-processed foods are killing us. Instead, he overturned his own understanding of obesity.

This could be the beginning of the end for fire insurance in California.

Archaeologists just mapped a Bronze Age megafortress in Georgia.

Itโ€™s remarkably easy to inject new medical misinformation into LLMs. Changing just 0.001% of inputs to misinformation makes the AI less accurate.

The Economics That Define Social Media.

Los Angeles Fire Damage Likely to Be Costliest Blaze in U.S. History.