
This is bullshit, because the actual truth is that the people who can’t work from home effectively are the very same people who didn’t do any work in the office. Invariably, they are the ones who spent hours wandering around the building, chitchatting, gladhanding, disturbing everyone else and pretending they were busy while doing absolutely nothing.

All the MBA types who hate WFH secretly know that is true, but don’t care — because they want work to be both a social club and a panopticon where they can keep an eye on their slaves. And a lot of them are just morons who think that butts in seats == productivity. Certainly cannot discount that many of them are just really, really dumb.

If your people are not productive working from home, you have a management problem. It’s not a WFH problem.

On average, I produce about 2-3x as much working from home as I do in an office — both because I work longer hours and I can do my actual work.

I will never work an office job again. Not for any money.

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