Asking and Doing

Guys who have “no game” but had no problem finding partners, what was the factor that made you successful?

I have no game. For a good number of years, I just asked out a lot of girls and went out on a lot of dates (anyone who said yes, anyone who asked me).

That’s how you do it. It’s definitely harder now, though, where any expression of interest is considered harassment if you’re a man, and you’re also seen as a default rapist.

It didn’t used to be that way when I was actively dating so I wouldn’t be able to do the same these days.

Civ End

I do understand the Covidians’ anger and sadness over the fact that Covid did not change the world more. Hell, I at least thought it’d lead to federally-mandated sick leave in the US and some other reforms of the medical system as well as requirements for good indoor ventilation. Oddly, none of that happened.

Still, though, that does not justify the absurd Covidian lying about how harmful Covid is post-vax, and for claiming absolutely wacky shit like Long Covid was going to be civilization-ending.

It’s easy to make something into a religion; it’s much, much harder to effect change in the real wold — which is what the Covidians should’ve actually attempted.

Dates Hates

This was in a sub-Reddit being made fun of, but I think that’s roughly accurate as to the dating experience for men?

For women I’d write:

If it’s a real slog to find a quality boyfriend, have met 2,000 guys who expect you to be a always-on-call bangmaid with no one who actually cares what you have to say or think, are infuriated by men who seem to only value how much you impress their friends by being hot or the “cool girl,” are appalled by all the guys who think spending $20 at Applebee’s means you are obligated to have (likely bad) sex with them, tired of the constant love-bombing, and saddened that men only reach out to you when they want something from you…

Now you understand what the dating market is like for the majority of women.


Most people who work at a computer aren't super excited about wasting a lot of time getting to and from the office, and when you force people to go back to that it makes them angry. The consequences of that should be pretty easy to predict and yet…

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— Evan Sutton ( January 12, 2025 at 7:55 PM

Work from home has been responsible for probably 50-70% of the recent productivity gains in the US, so of course forcing people to return to the office is a lose-lose proposition. It generally makes life worse and is wildly unproductive for most.

Offices are absolutely terrible environments to get any work done.

The infinite scroll may go down in history as the most consequential invention of our time, which when integrated into the mobile phone and connected to the Internet meant that we could each consume user-generated media ad infinitum.

Reckless Driving Isnโ€™t Just a Design Problem. Road-safety activists convinced themselves that law enforcement was unnecessary.

TSMC’s Arizona Fab 21 is already making 4nm chips.

China hacked phones and wants nuclear first-strike ability against US.

Why Taiwan Matters (Actually), Part I.

Self-imposed solitude might just be the most important social fact of the 21st century in America.

Individuality Is A Big Deal.

The US software industry is at great risk, and the government must implement penalties for offshoring ASAP. Mostly agreed.

Their Wealth Is in Their Homes. Their Homes Are Now Ash.

Bad news for young Americans struggling to find work.