Done Dirty

We’ve really done Ukraine dirty. And by “we,” I mean the US, NATO and the EU. We allowed them to absorb all the Russian aggression and revanchism while providing just barely enough support to survive.

And we’ll pay for that. More specifically, the Baltics, Poland and Germany will. At least they’ll get it the worst.

Wait and see.

Vast Waste

It’s so odd that our software and applications used to have more features, be faster, and work better 20 years ago than they do now.

What an enormous waste of vast resources. And all the while shit-for-brains assclowns claim it couldn’t be any other way.

Even though it used to be another way.

Quint It

Tik tok is social media which means itโ€™s powered by people connecting with each other, and tik tok fostered many communities. Dismissing it as a dumb dancing app tells me youโ€™re deeply out of touch with the world (as well as a boring garden variety asshole)

— maura quint ( January 19, 2025 at 5:31 AM

Good example of a useful idiot. Also, the mean IQ on TikTok seemed to be in the low 60s.

Off Lay

New RTO trick.

This is a lost cause. This company will lay him off within a few months of moving back. This fake RTO was designed to force him to quit so they did not have to do a formal layoff. He should cut his losses and look for another job ASAP.

Never trust employers and always have a large reserve of funds. Never put yourself in a precarious position like this. An employer will screw you over the very moment they think it will make them more money than not doing so.

Leftism Left Us

I do think that allowing mass Islamic immigration was an actual leftist plot to destroy Western societies. I don’t think it was even that well-hidden. Just as they embrace Putin for similar reasons.

They didn’t even conceal it. The price is, you know, millions of women being assaulted and raped who otherwise would not have been. But no biggie, right? Not to them, I guess.

I Slam Islam

This has already happened in Germany. Letting North African1 and Islamic men immigrate en masse is a terrible, terrible mistake. Nothing good at all can ever come of that.

It has doomed Germany and it will destroy Japan if they keep it up.

  1. Yes, I know Pakistan is not in North Africa; read the sentence again.

M Pause

Gen Z Woman Just Discovered ‘Millennial Pause.’

This pause is real, but is not due to just the former quirks of various social media apps. Not at all. It’s because analog recording tech such as audio cassettes and VHS tapes usually had a 1-3 second period where they had to spool up and actually start recording when you hit the button.

A lot of millennials (and all of Gen X) remember those times, while Gen Z has no clue; all of that was gone by the time they came around.

And that is where the pause comes from.


I might be petty, and I’m so glad I’m not dating anymore, but if there was an otherwise perfect woman for me and she had a single tattoo, still that would be a big no from me.

Gotta have standards, as unpopular as it is.

I have been enjoying watching women realize they have incelled themselves with tattoos, though. It’s rare that women have even the faintest clue what being the average guy is like (the opposite is not true for men, as we also face threats from other men). It’s a good lesson for women to receive.

Damn, tattoos suck. On anyone, but especially on women.