Oslo Chooses

Good; Norway understands the risks and doesn’t want any part in Russia trying to take over much of the rest of Europe, which is their aim.

As I’ve said a million times, fight and defeat Russia in Ukraine now or battle it out in the rest of Europe later. That’s the choice, like it or not. And just because American dumbass puling pusillanimous “progressives” don’t like the choice doesn’t make it less real.

Witchy One

Why do nearly all songs recorded in the 1970s sound so much worse than many songs recorded in the 1960s? I can’t understand it. Did recording tech go backwards? I can’t find any evidence of that (and I know quite a lot about that) but otherwise it’s difficult to explain.

It must be just stylistic, then, but why? Why was it important to people that their music sound murky and the drums be so far back in the mix they sounded like a chipmunk banging on some styrofoam cups with a toilet brush? I find most 1970s songs intolerable not just because they are vapid but because the recording is so atrocious and unlistenable.

Even though I grew up with a lot of those 1970s songs I am not at all nostalgic for any of them as they all sound so horrible.

Gawd Help Me

I worked helpdesk and near-helpdesk jobs for a number of years. And one thing I found is that about 2% of the users are responsible for 95% of helpdesk work, calls and tickets. It’s an extremely uneven distribution.

At one place I worked where we tracked tickets and non-ticket contacts, one woman alone was responsible for more work and tickets than the entire rest of the company combined. She had constant “problems” with her machine, with her network, with remembering how to do anything more complicated than clicking on an icon and innumerable other nearly all self-caused issues.

At one point all three of the techs I had working directly for me were involved in various of her tickets (as in actively troubleshooting) — and thus were unavailable to help any other users.

The first time I brought it up to management they said, “We’re here to help all users, even the less competent.”

And then when those other users started complaining my techs were not available for them, I let management know why, showed them evidence and let them decide what to do. That week, the woman was banned from using the helpdesk at all without going through two layers of management first. We rarely heard from her again1.

Admittedly, she was an outlier (though not that unusual). But the truth is a relatively-small contingent of the utterly incompetent will monopolize the average helpdesk, especially at a smaller company.

  1. Which made me wonder how much of what she was doing was to get out of working? A lot of tickets are put in for precisely that reason too at most helpdesks.

Spec In

Laptops have worse specs now than they did 4-5 years ago.

I was talking with a colleague about why that was and we speculated it’s an attempt to force people into using cloud services. Less storage, less processing power, less of everything means you’re more likely to be forced by “convenience” to cloud crap.

This decrease in laptop specs has become a real problem for our development team. Laptops with memory and storage options that we used to be able to get in 2-3 days years ago now take 6-8 weeks to be shipped. For instance, machines with 64GB of memory. Our devs still all do development locally so they need that much mem; Visual Studio alone eats up tons.

So much in the world just seems to be getting worse now, even apart from Trump and Musk.

US employers cut more jobs last month than any February since 2009.

Are federal workers lazy? Letโ€™s look at the data.

Weight-loss drugs arenโ€™t just slimming waists. Theyโ€™re shifting the economy.

Trump and his allies hint at economic pain ahead for Americans. Great Recession II ahead; Great Depression likely.

Poland seeks access to nuclear arms and looks to build half-million-man army. They will need both.

Why the Maga mindset is different.

A Ukrainian Hostage Situation.

Feds Link $150M Cyberheist to 2022 LastPass Hacks.

This MRI Can Run on Batteries.

Age Verification Laws: A Backdoor to Surveillance.