Tradeoff Tradein

Appreciation post for Samantha Sloyan because Bev Keane in Midnight Mass is one of the most effectively deplorable characters I have ever watched.

Agreed, she is excellent there. Samanatha makes a great villain and seems like the uber-religious nutters I grew up with in North Florida, most of whom were absolute hypocrites as well.

There is no one more harmful than someone who thinks they are doing things for the best reasons and/or “for your own good.”

Virt Revert

Containers are all the rage now and have their uses. But because they are made to be (only) dev-friendly, they are still at the level of usability and administration capability that virtualization was in the late 1990s or early 2000s.

Developers are fine with something being a bunch of unreadable JSON or YAML. But that doesn’t work for the rest of the world and makes changes vastly harder than they should be.

Easy For

A lot of the tech world has gone from attempting to make thing easy for users, admins and managers to now only working to make them easy for developers. I think this might be just a numbers thing — there are now many more developers than there are of the other types. And it didn’t used to be that way.

So now in an inversion of how things should be, the primary optimization is to make development easy while everything else is getting more difficult.

Price of Natural Gas Futures Up 140% Year-over-Year: One More Reason for Inflation to Not Back off Easily.

How Trump Plans to Manipulate US Economic Data to Gaslight the Public.

U.S. Army AH-64 Apaches Armed With Israeli Spike Missiles Now Flying in Iraq.

What Made the Irish Famine So Deadly.

They voted for Trump, but now theyโ€™re losing their U.S. government jobs. A definite deserved FAFO moment.

New Zealand’s $16 Billion Public Health System Runs on a Single Excel Sheet.

Small business expansion plans for the last month just plunged by the largest amount since April 2020. Great Recession II on the way.

Early in the week I walked through the kill zone in Kherson.


It also mirrors the leftist “borders aren’t real” balderdash that they like to trot out when they’re blathering on about open borders and other unicorn-like ideas.