Gen What

I think it could happen. A whole lot of the left is against anything that you do to improve yourself physically because they see it as “eugenics.” That includes working out, drugs, plastic surgery and anything that might give you some sort of advantage over anyone else. I mean, Vonnegut wrote a whole damn short story about this phenomenon many years ago. And it’s only gotten worse since.

So of course liberals would be against GLP-1 drugs because they make you look and feel better. And can’t have that.

Today, I did lots of eugenics. I worked out hard enough that my arms still aren’t functioning quite right. I’m gonna do some more eugenics tomorrow too.


Great analysis of that scene. Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood is such an excellent film and that scene is perfect. One of my favorites of any film made in the last decade. I missed on first watch that it is James Dean in the mural in the background when the girls are dumpster diving.

The thing about a Tarantino film (and really most films to a somewhat lesser extent) is that nothing is accidental.


I sent my friend in the UK this video because I said part of the song reminded me of her.

Mostly this part:

I comะต in like a cannonball
I’ve been that way my whole life

For romantic partners I’m far more compatible with quiet introverts but for friends I definitely lean more to the extroverted “loud girl” side. Not sure why. My UK friend said people often have trouble dealing with her because she’s always full on. And she is. But she’s so completely herself and so very funny. She’s one of the few people who has made me laugh so hard I had trouble breathing by saying something hilarious and unexpected.

She liked the song and said she’d listened to it “dozens of times so far.”


Geared Up for a Fight with a Bat, But Knocked Out at the Junction.

It’s always said you can’t fight two people at once and win. And most times, that’s true. But if you’re fighting untrained people, you’ve been in a lot of fights and if you’re not completely ambushed, wining is actually doable1.

Notice on the second guy how the person being attacked uses the assailant’s head as leverage to twist that second attacker and throw him down on his back. Classic Greco-Roman wrestling move I also learned in krav maga class back in the day. You don’t have to be bigger or even stronger than your attacker to do that move, though it helps. But you do have to do it like you mean it.

And a bat is not actually that great a weapon especially if you’re not extremely strong. A collapsing baton is better. With a bat, miss once and you’re fucked (as can be seen there).

  1. Yes, I’ve done it.

The Persistence of Post-pandemic Shelter Inflation and the Housing Affordability Crisis.

What to Expect When Youโ€™re Expecting Catastrophe.

A vast undersea tunnel is being built that will change the road and rail map of Europe.

AI coding assistant refuses to write code, tells user to learn programming instead.

Donald Trump Is Going to Destroy American Manufacturing. Bidenomics created a manufacturing boom. Trump is tearing that up by the roots.

Why housing affordability keeps getting worse.

Wall Street is simply flabbergasted that Trump is wrecking the economy. Who could have guessed this would happen? Who indeed?

AI Parasites. Gawd almighty.

NOT Flex

It’s very telling which criterion is the only one she described as “NOT Flexible.” You can tell she’d be a nightmare. In my experience of dating, it’s vastly better when people reveal their foulness early.

People like that tend to die miserable and alone. That’s punishment enough. And that’s not sour grapes. I’d have absolutely zero interest in a person like that were I single (nor she in me). That is instead just observation of outcomes.