Social media companies engaged in ‘vast surveillance,’ FTC finds, calling status quo ‘unacceptable.’

Trumpโ€™s Repetitive Speech Is a Bad Sign. If the debate was a cognitive test, the former president failed. Like Biden, definitely a large cognitive decline going on there.

Amazon says workers need to be in the office. Most of Silicon Valley disagrees.

Demand for Existing Homes Wilts, Supply Spikes to Highest for any August since 2018, Prices Dip, Despite Mortgage Rates that Have Plunged for 10 Months.

Get Ready for More AI Crap on Amazon.

FTC Sues PBMs for Jacking Up Insulin Prices.

A dramatic rise in pregnant women dying in Texas after abortion ban. Well of course.

Grid-scale batteries: Theyโ€™re not just lithium. When size and weight don’t matter, lots of other battery chemistries can work.

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