
About this post, I just want to be clear on something. The distance between those like me and the average doofus is much smaller than the distance between me and someone like John von Neummann. It’s not even close; it only seems that way because the average doof is not clever enough to discern the vast gulf between levels they can’t even perceive.

But I am just smart enough to be able to see that divide. And someone like Johhny V is vastly smarter than I am, far more than someone like me compared to John or Jane Q. Public.

To put it in numeric terms, I’m 20x smarter than the average person. But Archimedes is 10,000x smarter than I am. Or he would be were he still alive. But it all looks the same when you’re on the bottom.

I know you’re not supposed to talk about this obviously-true but hurtful stuff. But I don’t care. I like to have a real self-evaluation of what I’m capable of and what I’m not. I’m little concerned with what anyone else thinks about it.

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