Oh, I see you’ve worked with the same HR people I have:
At one company, HR got names wrong routinely. As I always do, I set the person up as specified and spelled in the ticket. A few days later the HR person asked me why I did it wrong and I said, “That’s how it was in the ticket.” They then — get this — asked me why I hadn’t looked the person up on the internet to verify the name was spelled correctly. Ok, Broette, I am literally never going to do that. That is not my job and anyway, how would I know it’s the right person?
Another notable incident: I shipped out a laptop and gear to a new person starting in a week or so. The gear went to the “wrong” address. I looked back at the ticket to verify the “confirmed shipping address.” That was the address I’d sent it to and the address the equipment was received at. Of course, it was not the person’s actual address. HR then proceeded to get into a snit that I did not verify that the “confirmed shipping address” was the actual shipping address. I told them that this was not my job and I would always assume the “confirmed shipping address” was exactly what it said.
And then it happened a second time….