Other than the fact that a lot of men’s work does not get counted in “labor” (including actual labor at work), women and men have vastly different standards. Neither is right or wrong, but women often compare themselves and their home to impossible ideals and lash out/blame others when those absurdly-high standards are not met.
For instance, if a man has a child that is throwing a fit and refusing to take a bath, most will say, “Guess you’re going to bed dirty” and leave it at that. Women, though, are far more likely to spend two hours battling the child to take a bath.
Which is more likely to lead to better mental health for all? To feeling less tired and resentful?
Whether it’s biological or socialization or a bit of both, women often feel compelled to attempt to achieve the perfectionist impossible while men are ok with, “Eh, good enough for now. No one is dying and we have food.”
It’s no surprise, then, that kids raised by single fathers more often turn out ok but those raised by single mothers face much worse prospects on average1. Excessive neuroticism does not lead to good outcomes — and women are far more neurotic than men. I know, I know, women feel they “have to” be that way. But feeling something doesn’t make it true.