Time Warp: Delayed-Choice Quantum Erasure.
This article is crap. It sounds convincing and is not wholly wrong, but the most important parts are misleading or are completely incorrect.
I haven’t researched this person but the article seems to be written by a superdeterminist type. Also, it’s cute when physicists and other STEM randos do philosophy without realizing they are doing it. It’s always so poorly expressed and kindergarten-level (as seen here).
Anyway, retrocausality is not at all required to explain the effects observed in this experiment and almost no actual physicist believes any retrocausaility explanation. This is a straw man argument. This part isn’t even a quantum result, really! You can do the same thing with completely classical objects, even macro ones.
It’s all very stupid, in other words. The basis of the article and the article itself.
But on to where the article is incorrect. This delayed choice experiment still works even if the detectors are widely separated. And by widely, I mean any distance at all, when there is no time for light (or any signal) to pass between the points. And that is a true quantum effect. (Though what really matters here is time separation, not space separation! But in our universe, they are analogous. Most of the time.)
To expand on that a bit, neither one of the photons is in any particular state before some measurement occurs. It’s not that we don’t know the state — it’s that it does not exist. Again, it is not a knowledge problem. There are ways of testing this and people have won Nobel Prizes proving this to be true.
Moving on, then. What I said about time above means that when you separate something like two photons there is no “real” time something occurred. It is observer dependent. And the delayed choice experiment still works under such conditions because the nature of entangled photons means that if one is detected as Polarity A then the other must be Polarity B no matter how separated they are (in time or space), and no matter which reference frame “thinks” which photon is detected first.
That’s where the author’s contentions fall apart. Poor article with a real lack of any deeper understanding of the physics or the universe. Removes some mysticism, but replaces it with garbage.