Standardly Unstandard

Couples fight about housework. Couples divorce about housework. Surely it would be easier if men just did more housework?

As I’ve pointed out before, women often have hugely, enormously unrealistic standards about housework that make no sense even in the context of a keeping a clean house.

And they also don’t count any labor that men do that’s not pushing a vacuum cleaner or washing dishes as “work.”

Not every woman, clearly. But many! Enough that I’ve been involved with two who did not count the vast amount of time I spent mowing the lawn, trimming bushes, cleaning gutters, taking care of the cars and such as “work.” According to them, “Men like that stuff” and, “It’s fun for you.”

Readers, I did not like it and it was not fun. I fucking hate lawn maintenance and house maintenance and now just refuse to do any of it (I pay people).

In one case I stopped mowing the lawn, taking care of the gutters, trimming bushes, hauling downed limbs, etc., and when my ex complained I said, “Oh, I thought you said that wasn’t work?”

That went over about as well as you’d expect. No one ever learns anything.

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