Geared Up for a Fight with a Bat, But Knocked Out at the Junction.

It’s always said you can’t fight two people at once and win. And most times, that’s true. But if you’re fighting untrained people, you’ve been in a lot of fights and if you’re not completely ambushed, wining is actually doable1.

Notice on the second guy how the person being attacked uses the assailant’s head as leverage to twist that second attacker and throw him down on his back. Classic Greco-Roman wrestling move I also learned in krav maga class back in the day. You don’t have to be bigger or even stronger than your attacker to do that move, though it helps. But you do have to do it like you mean it.

And a bat is not actually that great a weapon especially if you’re not extremely strong. A collapsing baton is better. With a bat, miss once and you’re fucked (as can be seen there).

  1. Yes, I’ve done it.

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