
I’m as introverted as they come and when I am out in public, I do not expect to never have an interaction with another human being. This is, frankly, a fucking insane Gen Z bullshit expectation. And is part of the HR-ization of culture we should all be battling against. The feminist “no one should talk to anyone in public ever because some random woman who is probably overly-neurotic anyway might perhaps perceive it as harassment” has gone way, way too fucking far.

A few years ago I was at Wal-Mart looking for Christmas stuff. I spent way too long looking for the bows. For some reason and anomalously, they were placed near all the lawn mowing-related paraphernalia. As I was taking the long walk back to the cashier section a woman approached me and said, “Hey, can I ask you where you got those bows? I’ve been all over this store three times and I cannot find them.”

I said, “I know! They hid them well. They’re near the lawn and garden section by all the lawn mowing stuff. I can’t imagine why.”

And she laughed and thanked me. I was glad to help her as I’d spent 15 minutes looking for them myself.

I guess that sort of casual interaction is going to get less and less common now as people retreat into this world.

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