Gawd Help Me

I worked helpdesk and near-helpdesk jobs for a number of years. And one thing I found is that about 2% of the users are responsible for 95% of helpdesk work, calls and tickets. It’s an extremely uneven distribution.

At one place I worked where we tracked tickets and non-ticket contacts, one woman alone was responsible for more work and tickets than the entire rest of the company combined. She had constant “problems” with her machine, with her network, with remembering how to do anything more complicated than clicking on an icon and innumerable other nearly all self-caused issues.

At one point all three of the techs I had working directly for me were involved in various of her tickets (as in actively troubleshooting) — and thus were unavailable to help any other users.

The first time I brought it up to management they said, “We’re here to help all users, even the less competent.”

And then when those other users started complaining my techs were not available for them, I let management know why, showed them evidence and let them decide what to do. That week, the woman was banned from using the helpdesk at all without going through two layers of management first. We rarely heard from her again1.

Admittedly, she was an outlier (though not that unusual). But the truth is a relatively-small contingent of the utterly incompetent will monopolize the average helpdesk, especially at a smaller company.

  1. Which made me wonder how much of what she was doing was to get out of working? A lot of tickets are put in for precisely that reason too at most helpdesks.

Spec In

Laptops have worse specs now than they did 4-5 years ago.

I was talking with a colleague about why that was and we speculated it’s an attempt to force people into using cloud services. Less storage, less processing power, less of everything means you’re more likely to be forced by “convenience” to cloud crap.

This decrease in laptop specs has become a real problem for our development team. Laptops with memory and storage options that we used to be able to get in 2-3 days years ago now take 6-8 weeks to be shipped. For instance, machines with 64GB of memory. Our devs still all do development locally so they need that much mem; Visual Studio alone eats up tons.

So much in the world just seems to be getting worse now, even apart from Trump and Musk.

Standardly Unstandard

Couples fight about housework. Couples divorce about housework. Surely it would be easier if men just did more housework?

As I’ve pointed out before, women often have hugely, enormously unrealistic standards about housework that make no sense even in the context of a keeping a clean house.

And they also don’t count any labor that men do that’s not pushing a vacuum cleaner or washing dishes as “work.”

Not every woman, clearly. But many! Enough that I’ve been involved with two who did not count the vast amount of time I spent mowing the lawn, trimming bushes, cleaning gutters, taking care of the cars and such as “work.” According to them, “Men like that stuff” and, “It’s fun for you.”

Readers, I did not like it and it was not fun. I fucking hate lawn maintenance and house maintenance and now just refuse to do any of it (I pay people).

In one case I stopped mowing the lawn, taking care of the gutters, trimming bushes, hauling downed limbs, etc., and when my ex complained I said, “Oh, I thought you said that wasn’t work?”

That went over about as well as you’d expect. No one ever learns anything.


Am I a jerk for personally ignoring people that ping me in Teams with a mundane “Hi” ?

I do not give a single tiny little fuck about what your cultural norms are, if you think you’re trying to be polite or whatever other crap. If you hit me with just “hi” and nothing else I’m ignoring you for days. Perhaps forever (have done that before).

I do not have time to deal with that kind of thing in a chat application. Just tell me what you need. I’m not here for chitchat; I’m tryna work. Be concise, be clear and be quick. Otherwise: ignored.


Because someone I follow linked to it, I made the mistake of reading part of an Ian Welsh piece. I couldn’t even finish the whole thing it was so insane, but what’s so repetitive about Welsh and those types is how they believe absolutely everything bad that occurs in the world is the fault of the US. Everything.

Buddy, America just does not have that much power. Clowns like Welsh buy into American exceptionalism just as much as far-right neocons and über-patriots. For many of them it’s that they secretly wish they were Americans and it drives them mad that they are not. Or at least it did before Trump. In their view, no other country has agency or desires or goals; it’s all America puppeteering them or that every action is solely a reaction to what the US does.

Like, come on. That’s not even remotely plausible. I only wish we had that much sway in the world.

Zombie Brains

Flying Was Already the Worst. Then America Stopped Using Headphones.

I have no fucking idea why this trend started, but seems to be worse in Gen Z. I think it’s due to a complete lack of social skills caused by their isolation and smartphone obsession; they see only their phone and the “people” in it as real. The rest of the world does not exist in the same way to them.

And it’s not just conversations, either. Many people listen to music and TV shows at top volume in airports, on flights, and other public places.

Anyone who doesn’t use headphones in public should be tased repeatedly. And then kneecapped if that fails to work.

Without Representation

When you include income tax, sales tax, property tax, vehicle tax and other various taxes, approximately 58% of my earned income goes to taxes1. I just did the calculation.

That sure seems like a lot, doesn’t it? And in the US we get hit with about the same taxes as European countries and get much, much less for it. And it’s almost always lower quality, too.

Also seems like a bad deal.

  1. This does not include capital gains.

Taxation Situation

I know it’s because I’m lucky enough to be in a high tax bracket, but it’s weird when you get paid and more of your income goes to taxes than you actually receive.

Kinda doesn’t seem fair when you consider how little billionaires are actually taxed relatively1.

  1. Yes, I know all the reasons/excuses for why this is the case.


I think I could’ve been a good to great scientist, but my inability to handle most practical math kept me out of that field.

It was for the better. I doubt I would’ve been happy in academia, especially now. But there must be a lot of people like me — kept out of fields in which they’d prosper because they can’t figure out the quadratic equation.

Police Call

What is the male perspective/counterpoint to the female “mental load” or “emotional labour”?

Men don’t do emotional labor because to many women, any man showing any emotion (other than perhaps anger) is a huge and immediate turn-off that dooms you forever in her eyes.

Women police men’s emotions very heavily, more than other men do (after high school anyway). And men react to this logically enough by not showing any.

Little Teapot

The claim that somehow Russia had to invade Ukraine because of NATO also comes down to the notion that Ukraine does not exist.

Anyone who believes that Russia invaded Ukraine due to NATO is just spouting Russian propaganda. And sounding foolish the whole damn time.

Vladimir Putin gives us no reason to believe that he fears a NATO invasion. If Russian leaders feared such an eventuality, the last thing they would have done would have been to undertake a full-scale invasion of Ukraine, as they did in 2022. That amounts to sacrificing most of their army inside a country that is not a NATO member. If Russians feared a NATO invasion, they would not have created a situation in which Finland and Sweden join NATO, which they have done.

Pro tip: If you want to understand global geopolitics, start with not being an unpaid Russian shill. That’s not enough of course, but it’s a good starting place.

Doctor Law

Alright Fellas, What’s the craziest thing a woman ever said to you?

Damn, the current top-voted comment is the same thing a terrible, narcissistic ex said to me: “You’re not ambitious enough.”

Which is insane. Because at the time, I was probably one of the youngest infrastructure managers of a medium-size corporation in the US at 26, I had been a paratrooper in the US army and also did successful day trading. I paid 80%+ of all the bills (including hers), by the way.

The real issue was that she was joined at the hip with her equally-poisonous mother and to dear old mom if her daughter’s boyfriend wasn’t a doctor or a lawyer, he was no one.

Therefore it didn’t matter how much money I made or how successful I was. Not a doctor or lawyer == failure. “Not ambitious enough.”

Glad that relationship ended, but I should’ve called it quits way sooner. Lesson learned the hard way (by having plates thrown at my head).