Win to Lose

Ian Welsh: OMG WINNING SO HARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111

Everyone who is not a goddamn confirmed idiot: Wow, that’s a colossal waste of money and people to achieve nearly nothing.

Destroy Everything

America is being sold out by its leaders.

Indeed. The probability of another Great Recession is 90%. And I’d put the chance of a depression (1930s equivalent, not 1873 variant) at around 30% now. And that is directly due to Trump/Musk and the destruction they will wreak upon this nation.

All of you Trump voters did FA and now are about to FO. And yes, Harris would’ve been better. Still bad but better.

Rigged Up

Elon Musk buying Twitter and bending it to favor Trump isn’t rigging the election, you fuckin’ numpties.

That’s called “strategy” and the Democrats should try it sometime. Creating a favorable information environment for themselves is something Dems are uniquely terrible at, so I can understand why when another person or entity does it they see it as cheating.

But it’s how you win. So of course they won’t do that.


Sometimes I wonder if people cannot read or remember things they lived through. Or it’s just some sort of weird trolling or clownin’.

NATO invoked Article 5 after the 9/11 attacks — the only time it’s ever done so. Many NATO nations supported the US afterward as a result of that article’s invocation. That’s what it fucking means, damn.

Hulking In

What’s fascinating about the Fat Acceptance and Health at Any Size movements is that no one truly bought that it was possible to be healthy at 400 pounds, or that vying with a tractor-trailer for mass was anything good. Even the people espousing this did not in fact actually believe it — which was obvious if you merely listened to how they talked about it.

These movements born of despair were always designed to be a psy-op, as much to convince themselves than to sway anyone else.

And now it’s all getting torpedoed by semaglutides.

I understand that those twin crusades sprung from people not feeling like they were regarded as fully human. And trust me, I get it. How much differently I’m treated now (particularly by women) that I look like I stepped out of an Avengers film is telling. It is a different world.

But that doesn’t make being the size of shipping container healthy, or change reality in any other way. Alas.

Superiority Simplex

The Cultural Apostate.

I say this as a confirmed grumpy jerk-ass: this guy sounds like real doofball. Just a terrible person to know and to be around. If I’m the death of the party, this dude is the apocalypse of all parties past, future and present.

Cool, dude, it’s great that you don’t like anything at all but a banjo (?) and penning overwrought articles about how very superior you are to anyone who likes anything. I can’t believe I wasted my time reading this turd but I am going to warn everyone else against it, at least: avoid at all costs.

It sucks that he seems to have decided that nothing will be permitted to move him again, that he is apart from the world and that anything that attempts some artfulness is “pandering,” but good god I did not need to read a thousand words about it.

Just go do banjo stuff. You’re not an apostate or an iconoclast. Just an assclown.


What’s even sadder than the “any age gap is rape” and “full-grown women have no agency” pseudofeminists is the men performatively declaring that to them, Sophie Thatcher or Jenna Ortega looks like a mere child. Why, they might not even be women these monk-like men are so very unattracted to them.

Bro, trust me, it’s ok to find some of the most attractive women in the world attractive. Jesus fucking Christ, fucking losers.

My advice is to not get involved in women’s intrasexual competition. It’s not actually aimed at you and only makes you look like a damn idiot.


What these nihilistic vandals are doing to dismantle science & medicineโ€”generations of expertise & public service & life improving benefitsโ€”is cultural revolution level national self harm. No foreign foe could inflict such brutal damage & senseless suffering on US so fast & effectively & unresisted.

— Philip Gourevitch ( February 14, 2025 at 8:10 PM

This kind of damage will take 50-80 years to recover from, if it happens at all. At this rate, we don’t have a hope against China.


When President Musk and yappy dog Trump are done, the country will be poorer and weaker. Granted.

But I’d like to point out that the country was also made worse and less hospitable for more than half the population by pervasive and unrestrained NIMBYism, which was mostly a PMC centrist-liberal movement. This has caused enormous harm to the United States and its future.

However, because the NIMBYs were and are seen to have their hearts in the right place it does not get counted among the grave errors of our age. And it really should.

They locked about half the population out of the housing market and reduced potential GDP 30-50%. And that’s a big fucking deal.