Pixel Trip

In discussions like this, why is there always some clown-ass mothefucker barging in to tell us with pseudoscientific jargon that we can’t see what many of us can in fact clearly see?

I can very, very easily distinguish between 2K, 4K and 5K at two feet. I can even tell the difference between 2K and 5K at 5 feet. It’s not even hard. In perfect conditions, I am sure I could do it 8ish feet. In normal viewing conditions, I can read for 30-45 minutes on a 2K/1080p monitor and for 4-5 hours on a 5K monitor. So it makes a huge and measurable fucking difference to me. Also, I don’t get migraines from reading on a 5K monitor nearly as readily as I do from low-res crap.

Just because you have terrible eyesight and don’t mind making it worse doesn’t mean I do or have to.

Deci Word

I miss AbiWord.

It was small, got out of your way, and just did the stuff I needed. There should be a lot more software like that, but instead we have the absolute garbage there is now.

I want to decimate villages every time Microsoft fucking Word tries to force me to save something to the cloud.


And this is why I thought then and continue to think that Matt Yglesias is a fucking idiot.

Obama made the choice that millions of Americans would lose their homes. And yes, that was a choice — it all could’ve been prevented. That was done to save the banks and specifically the banksters who wrote all that fraudulent paper. This decision ruined many Americans economically for the rest of their lives as well as making the Great Recession worse and last much longer than it otherwise would have.

Obama also oversaw the largest loss of black wealth in history. He was and is just an evil, venal person.

As president, he had one of the greatest opportunities for real reform since the 1930s. And instead he forked over the country and its wealth the rich all so he could be a billionaire later himself. No Obama, no Trump it’s also important to remember.

Retail or Helldesk

I wonder which career leads to hating the general public the most quickly?

If I had to guess I’d say retail, followed either by helpdesk or food service. I know that working helpdesk and helpdesk-related roles early in my career caused me to become much more of a misanthrope. How could it not? In that role, you encounter the stupidest people who are proud of being clueless dumbasses all day every day. And they are also often aggressively rude about it.

Were I to go back in time, I would do more to avoid the helldesk as that really is just a sociality killer. I think I’d probably have more friends if I had never did that sort of work as I was quite social comparatively when I came out of the army. After working helldesk for a few years, though, I wanted nearly nothing to do with anyone.

Rage Quit

I’ve got some more necessary pushback against the No one should know anything at all about how to do their jobs if it happens to involve a computer in some way mindset.

I’m not arguing that computers aren’t complex. Here I’m just standing against the idea that it should be permissible for someone not to know the name of the application they’ve used for 10+ years and that sort of nonsense.

In reality, someone not being able to recall or have any clue how to use their most commonly-touched tool is more akin to a grounds maintenance crewmember not knowing what a mower is or how to start it up. Look, clowns, we’re not asking people to program an OS from scratch or change BIOS settings. We’re just asking them as a driver to know what a goddamn steering wheel is (to switch to another metaphor).

Though I grew up using computers, I learned the essential control interfaces in a couple of days. They are not hard. I learned what the common applications were I use in a few seconds. And I did that when I was four years old. So if a four-year-old can do it so can you.

None of this is actually difficult. That we pretend like it is to coddle doofuses is just wrong IMO.


The US is going to be a much more hardscrabble, much worse place after this four years. Biden did a little (far too little) to forestall the looting, while his Democratic predecessor Obama allowed the plunderers free rein.

Trump is worse — he doesn’t even really know what he’s doing; he’s just a chaos agent swinging from outlandish position to absurd action, making the pillaging unpredictable and even more dangerous.

And we’re all going to pay for our not holding Obama to account back when we could’ve forestalled most of what’s to come.