
It is a terrible loss. I’ve said and written this before and I will probably do so again, but Steve Jobs envisioned computers as “bicycles for the mind.” Instead, we’ve made them into manacles and straitjackets that serve the rich and the authoritarian.

I’m old enough to remember when I could easily make my computer do anything that I could think of or had time to figure out. Now, you’re lucky if you can get a machine to run something “unauthorized” at all. Mozilla and Google clowns et al. will tell you nothing else is possible because of “security.” Why, they are protecting you from yourself “for your own good!1 But remember: the only security they actually care about is keeping the computer secure from you, the user.

  1. Anytime someone trots this line out, check your wallet, your data, and the location of your kids.


Microsoft Edge is also removing the ability to use uBlock Origin. Without that add-on, the internet is not usable. Firefox is the last browser standing and it’s also terrible.

We could have done so much better but flubbed it. As usual. Evil won because good was too weak.


Degrowthers are some evil fucks. They are fine with billions dead and don’t mind saying so. They see it as just punishment for past sins.

Humans are so prone to religiousness in various forms, even if they themselves cannot recognize it and handle it like an adult.

Putin Got Ya

The Talks That Could Have Ended the War in Ukraine.

Anyone who believes this terrible article is a Putin propaganda victim. I’m sorry for you but it’s true. Russians are masters at propaganda as they spent so very long perfecting it.

And it works. These “peace talks” were to buy Russia time so they could regroup and invade again after Ukrainian defenses were down.

Russian intelligence (FSB) even said that themselves. Believe Putin why? Gawdamn y’all stupid.


I’m sad for my country. We have so much potential here; so much we could do. We’ve never met even a fraction of what we could be and could achieve, but we’re further away now than at any other point in recent history.

And the nation is effectively controlled by China and Russia at the moment. I knew Trump was corrupt and dishonorable but I had no idea the extent to which he and Musk would sell us all out for a bit of money and power. It is not an exaggeration to say that we’re now substantially a satellite state of those two countries.

What do you do exactly when your nation is in the hands of enemies?

Coincรฉe en train dโ€™espionner

La philosophe Manon Garcia sโ€™engage pour une ยซ culture รฉrotique รฉgalitaire ยป

Je trouve que รงa descend un peu trop en flammes ses arguments, mais franchement, cโ€™est carrรฉment angoissant : imaginer une fรฉministe coincรฉe en train dโ€™espionner ร  travers le trou de la serrure, vรฉrifiant si tโ€™as bien eu un consentement en trois exemplaires ร  chaque รฉtape.

Difficile de trouver un truc plus glauque et moins excitant que ce genre de totalitarisme intime.

Mais bon, cโ€™est le dรฉlire de pas mal de “progressistes”.


Why did I have to live in the stupidest timeline?

Beavis and Butthead are co-president, the most destructive organization in the world is named after a memecoin, and the anti-vaxxers have effectively won the discourse.

Also, people like Ian Welsh worship Putin, a two-bit thug who still might take over most of Europe.

Get me outta here.


The foundations of Americaโ€™s prosperity are being dismantled.

The US will be a much, much poorer and worse country after this four years. This was not inevitable; it will be a direct result of actions by President Musk and and his lackey Trump.

I have trouble understanding why they are doing this other than the urge to destroy, as these actions will harm even Musk in the end. It seems just utterly pointless. The only hypothesis I can posit is that China and Russia are promising them enough that diminishing the US is worth it to them.

But I have no insight other than that.

Pure Foul

About the Ukraine war, it’s an extremely evil tenet of a lot of modern left belief that defending your home is an undesirable and in fact immoral thing to do if a genocidal invader comes knocking.

That just letting the plunderers do whatever they like “saves lives.”

That’s never true. But the same idiotic views can be seen in the lefty stance on what deranged vagrants should be allowed: free-for-all assaults and setting people on fire if it makes them feel better. I think they see it as restorative justice or some such nonsense.

If anyone invades my home — country or house — the only thing I’ll be sad about after I shoot them in the face is that they got blood on my carpet. And if they get blood in the dirt, I don’t care. It makes good fertilizer.

Any other way of thinking is someone who cares more about appeasing Putin-like people than they do about being a free person in the world. And I want to have nothing to do with those quislings at all because they’d sell me out the very moment it becomes convenient.

All to still be killed themselves after they stop being a useful idiot.

Destroy Everything

America is being sold out by its leaders.

Indeed. The probability of another Great Recession is 90%. And I’d put the chance of a depression (1930s equivalent, not 1873 variant) at around 30% now. And that is directly due to Trump/Musk and the destruction they will wreak upon this nation.

All of you Trump voters did FA and now are about to FO. And yes, Harris would’ve been better. Still bad but better.


An inconvenient fact. If you let a lot of North Africans and/or Islamic men into your country, you’re gonna have problems. Mainly a whole lot of women getting raped. This fact is suppressed pretty heavily across all of the EU. But the women being forced out of their own cities know it, as an online friend of mine was. And so do the women who have even worse things happen to them.


Donโ€™t sell out Ukraine like they did Czechoslovakia in 1938.

It didnโ€™t work out in 1938. It wonโ€™t work now.

Appeasing genocide loving dictators never works.

— Margo Gontar ( February 14, 2025 at 7:03 AM

Margo is right. Selling out Ukraine now means we’ll be fighting Russia in Germany in ~2030. That’s almost a guarantee. Poland and the Baltics will be done for as well.

Boom Slap

Why do older Americans take statements that basically boil down to say it is harder to financially prosper now than in the past (50s-90s) as a personal attack?

Boomers and near-Boomers are very, very worried that the younger generations might do anything at all that endangers their house prices or might cause them to pay slightly more taxes for the benefit of anyone else.

This keeps them up nights and makes them extremely defensive when anyone even barely implies that times are hard, or that younger generations have it tougher in any way than they did. Boomers want to believe that jobs are plentiful, that you can just walk into a place in the morning, shake someone’s hand and have a good, high-paying job by that afternoon.

That world, though, is long vanished — and in their hearts they know that they hoarded all the benefits and boons of a a better world for themselves while frantically pulling up the ladder behind them.

And that makes them deeply despise those scrabbling below them for the scraps they deign to toss down.