
On the whole UHC CEO thing.

Clownish pussyfooting. It’s just Reddit trying to be advertiser- and capitalist-friendly.

Luckily, on my own blog I can say that taking out that asshole was a great Christmas present. I’m ecstatic that the UHC thug got iced and I hope it happens to many, many more healthcare CEOs and execs. And soon, too.

As the series of below comments notes, on corporate social media the nearly-unanimous joy about the UHC sociopath’s assassination is being very heavily censored and suppressed while capitalist and UHC-approved views are being promoted.


Essentially, to expand on the below, most of the right imagines themselves as the UHC CEO and not as someone that CEO has denied some medication or treatment to increase profits.

The reality is that the UHC CEO was responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths at the very least. So, justice was served.

Deserving It

Not only do I not give a fuck that the UHC healthcare CEO scumbag was killed, I would’ve been honored to pull the trigger myself 1.

Again: fuck that guy.

  1. I would not want to suffer the consequences for doing that, but nevertheless….


Covidians: Lockdowns weren’t real! No one was even mildly inconvenienced by Covid restrictions anywhere in the world! It’s all lies!

Reality disagrees. Those who became mentally ill because of Covid (not the infection itself) are just angry that the political changes they wished would occur were not brought about by the pandemic. It’s sad to see.


The Covidians and anti-vaxxers are surprisingly similar. Both hold onto a vision of the world that does not comport with reality, both are convinced vaccines do not help, and both believe those living their lives normally are taking insane risks.

Doing the stupid comes in all sorts of varicolored varieties.

Agent C

Tulsi Gabbard is quite literally a Russian agent. This is not speculation. Even Russia says this.

This is incredibly bad. And people who thought Trump was going to help Ukraine: LOL.