
I knew one day Iโ€™d have to watch powerful men burn the world down โ€“ I just didnโ€™t expect them to be such losers.

I don’t even disagree with the general gist of this column, but it shows how much some women really deeply hate any nerdy man. Shaw is the same sort of woman who likes to claim nerdy types are nothing but sexual abusers and are inherently creepy, despite the fact that frat bros commit sexual assault at something like 3-10x the rate of other demographics — including male nerds.

She even alludes to it in the column, but this is the same type of woman who would’ve bullied me relentlessly in middle school merely for existing. To her, I’d be “creepy” by dint of continuing to breathe and occupying space.

Watching his Nigel-no-friends attempts to be popular, his endless pathetic tweets that read as though they come from the brain of an 11-year-old poser, has made me start to believe we should bring back bullying.

I mean, saying I had “no friends” was an actual taunt people just like her used back then.

I’m no fan of Zuckerberg or Musk — but I hate this brand of sanctimonious bully just as much, if not even more.


Most people who work at a computer aren't super excited about wasting a lot of time getting to and from the office, and when you force people to go back to that it makes them angry. The consequences of that should be pretty easy to predict and yet…

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— Evan Sutton ( January 12, 2025 at 7:55 PM

Work from home has been responsible for probably 50-70% of the recent productivity gains in the US, so of course forcing people to return to the office is a lose-lose proposition. It generally makes life worse and is wildly unproductive for most.

Offices are absolutely terrible environments to get any work done.


A lot of people here in the US like to pretend that there is anything at all normal about the US healthcare system. But I’ve lived in other countries and I also have friends in various places around the world. And I can assure you that we have the dishonor of having the worst in the developed world.

It’s two things that allow them to believe this absolute delusion of how amazing and flawless the US healthcare system is. The first is status quo bias and the second is that they identify with the wealthy, who mostly support the current system. Perversely, this is true even if they themselves are not wealthy and would get the usual subpar health care and denial after denial if anything happened to them.It’s true that some countries (usually ones in decline, like the UK and Canada) have long wait times for some exams and procedures. I’ve yet to see anyone explain to me how that was better than denial of coverage, ruinous medical bills and general thievin’ at every layer of the US healthcare system.

When I was in the UK some years ago (before they had started to go downhill so severely), I mentioned to a friend of mine while we were at a pub that my stomach hurt pretty badly. She said if it kept hurting that we could “Pop over to a clinic down the avenue.” And I, being an American, balked — because in the US, there’d be a 2-10 hour wait, it’d cost $5,000 and it’d be just a general nightmare where I’d probably be misdiagnosed anyway.

She laughed and said the wait would be like 10 minutes, it’d cost at most ยฃ30, and they were very competent. I told her more about how the US healthcare system worked and she was appalled, as are people in most normal countries are when they hear how it is here. She said it sounded like we “lived like savages.” Which, you know, we do.

I think nearly everyone who is not rich has known someone murdered by the US healthcare system. I know of at least three, and as I’ve said before I don’t know many people.

We have the worst health care system in the world by far of any rich country, yet people still defend it to the death. Which they’ll probably receive if they go to any US hospital and then get denied coverage.


United Healthcare Accused of Denying Claim of Woman in Coma in Deleted Post.

To the tune of this song:

Woman in a coma
UHC knows
UHC knows
It’s not serious

UHC hopes she won’t pull through
UHC hopes she won’t pull through

Woman in a coma
UHC goes
UHC goes
Hospital care should be up to us

There were times
When they could have treated her
But you know, they would hate anything
To stand in the way of a transfer
To the incinerator

Woman in a coma
UHC says
UHC says
Treatment is superfluous

And I’m sure that doctor got ordered by the powers-that-be to delete his post ASAP; they are really cracking down on dissent now since Mangione.

Mixing Again

The clownish and evil bastards at Mozilla have worked very hard to take away Tabmix Plus, which is the best extension ever made for Firefox. The Mozilla team seemed to wage a particular war against that extension and its users for some reason1. What I didn’t realize is that the developer with great effort managed to revive it.

The installation directions are a bit convoluted, but it works fine once you get it slammed in there.

It’s such a great extension that makes using the internet so vastly better. I donated $50 to the dev. What I wish I could do, though, is donate a billion dollars to myself, buy Mozilla, fire everyone and blackball them from the industry forever. But dare to dream, eh?

  1. I think this is because they were the most vocal about bad Mozilla choices dooming FF.

Forced Morality

In so many areas of life, as in that video from the 1980s I linked below, we used to have a level of freedom that people who did not live through those times quite literally cannot even imagine. When you tell them about it they deny it was real and claim it only happened in movies. That’s how far-removed we are from human flourishing now.

We’ve all descended disgustingly into slave morality and have no will it seems nor desire to transcend as we once did. We used to have so much more, be so much better. Now we click and drool and laugh at anyone who says anything else is possible.

Airfare Refunded

Probably a Russian Pantsir-S1 AA system with the 57E6 missile did this. Most likely, it was tuned for a smaller target so it exploded far away enough from the plane that it didn’t immediately bring it down, but damaged it significantly with shrapnel1. If it’d been the missiles from the S-300/S-400s the plane would’ve broken apart mid-air due to the far larger warhead even if the detonation was distant.

We really need to evict Russia from Ukraine and prevent WWIII. It’s not too late. Soon it will be, but it’s not now.

There’s no way to know exactly how damaged the avionics systems and flight controls were, but not sure why the pilot put it down like this as they obviously had some control.

Why was the landing gear extended? I think the procedure if you’re not sure you’re going to make a runway is only try to put the gear down at the last moment as if you have to land on a non-runway it’s more survivable. It might’ve just run out of fuel (tanks pierced by shrapnel) is why the nose-down like that at the end.

Still, though, it got hit by a damn missile. Hard to criticize without knowing more details.

  1. The missile fired was tuned to take down a drone, not an airliner.


The “It was all NATO’s fault!” nutters wish to see the Ukrainian people liquidated. That’s all. They don’t even really believe it. Because their hero, Putin, also doesn’t really believe it.

A Wash

Insanity. There are dozens of thousands of Russians dying a month, and for what? So they can rape women and steal washing machines? The ones who survive, that is.


I’m with Natalia. If someone grabbed my kid in public, I’d stab them in the throat and twist. And then stab them a few more times to make sure they couldn’t get up to chase me. I don’t care about their mental problems or why they’re doing it. I’m gonna live and they’re not. Simple equation.

The lefties and libs really do believe that everyone should just let the delirious vagrants and “unhoused” have some free assault, as a treat. It’s not exaggeration; it’s completely real and absolutely batshit crazy. And people wonder why mass transit ridership is falling. It’s no mystery at all, though.

Wave All the Meat

Open-field disorganized assault with no vehicular support. Alrighty then. What a colossal waste of people and purpose.


Reddit is removing links to Luigi Mangione’s manifesto.

I mean, yeah? Reddit has been censoring anything even mildly critical of the health care industry, much less actual links to a manifesto. And no, I don’t mean them tossing anything celebrating Brian Thompson’s death. Even just, “Maybe we should reform this mess” often gets deleted and the user banned.

Reddit has gone full corpo (not surprisingly now that it is a publicly-traded company).