An Illustrated Proof of the CAP Theorem.
Is the attack helicopter dead?
Smart TVs are like “a digital Trojan Horse” in people’s homes. Hate those fucking things.
How private intelligence companies became the new spymasters.
Chinese Laser Anti-Drone System Spotted In Iran.
Hurricane Helene isn’t an outlier. It’s a harbinger of the future.
Baby boomers living longer but are in worse health than previous generations.
Needles in Haystacks: The Lostwave Story.
The Beijing-Moscow Axis Is Much Stronger This Time Around.
AI-Generated Code is Causing Outages and Security Issues in Businesses. The least shocking thing in world history.
China is oversupplying lithium to eliminate rivals, US official says.
MI5 spy chief says Russia and Iran are behind a ‘staggering’ rise in deadly plots.