
The right believes the healthcare CEO shooting suspect is a โ€˜liberal wackoโ€™. The truth is complicated. Fox News and rightwing pundits are railing against โ€˜Marxist brutalityโ€™, but the suspectโ€™s beliefs were far from leftist.

Mangione mostly held center-right views. Rare these days as a political type but them’s the facts. Not that a single person alive seems to care about what is and is not a fact anymore.


Trump didnโ€™t win just because of white voters. He didnโ€™t win because all the rich people voted for him, he won because the working class shifted toward him. Trump won because an incredibly diverse electorate voted for him.

Yep. Many liberals are now completely lying about this, but it’s true. I saw Heather Cox Richardson just today completely making up false data and using utterly-transparent fabrications to justify why the win was all the fault of straight white men. The reality, though, is that only a few small demographics shifted away from Trump. Every other American group went Trump-ward — including black men, Native Americans and most of all, Latinos.

The liberal deniers of this sound just as clown-ass as the election-denying MAGA types. And will be even less effective. And I say this as someone who believes that Trump 2 will bring about the most disastrous era this country has seen since the Civil War. It’s just that I prefer to deal with the world as it is — uncomfortable facts and all — rather than whip up some absolute nonsense to reinforce my worldview.

You don’t win that way. And you aren’t right, which is even more important to me personally to be completely honest.

Not That High

The Covid pandemic is starting to get so far behind us now that I occasionally meet or see a non-political Gen Zer who was young enough when it began to view it as, “Something that adults used to ruin my high school life completely for no real reason.” There is a lot of very deep, raw anger and resentment there. A ton.

Agree with them or disagree with them1, which way do you think those people are more likely to vote when they do pick up some politics?

Now look at the results.

  1. And I agree, by the way.

Agent C

Tulsi Gabbard is quite literally a Russian agent. This is not speculation. Even Russia says this.

This is incredibly bad. And people who thought Trump was going to help Ukraine: LOL.


I don’t know what you do about a country where millions of people believe things that are factually untrue. That aren’t even close to reality.

We’re not talking about opinions here. I mean things like: vaccines are safe and effective. This is a scientific fact beyond question — as much as anything can be. There are thousands of reliable studies of this. Millions and millions of observable outcomes. But that doesn’t matter to people’s feelings about it.

This phenomenon of not believing clearly-demonstrated facts is not unique to the right, of course. They have no monopoly, but certainly the majority of the worst of being fact-proof is now on that side.

There probably is no actual solution to this. Just me grousing. Getting rid of Fox News and similar would help, but even that would only put a small dent in the problem.