
It’s an odd idea that because some women get bothered sometimes in public by the worst 1% of serial-harassing men, that no one should talk to anyone in public ever.

We always seem to come up with the most dumbass and harmful solutions possible to problems that are in fact easily solvable.


I’ve also noticed that people have enormous difficulty understanding COL variance. It’s a bit mystifying. Of course you’re doing fine on your $60K a year in Crotch Shot, Nebraska. Houses are nearly free, hamburgers grow out of the dirt, and you can trade some empty Coke bottles for land. To show that I’m only exaggerating a little, here is a dead average house in York, NE. It’s $200K. In San Jose, that house would be $2 million. And if you don’t mind really living in the sticks (to most people in Silicon Valley, York would be the sticks) you can find a quite nice-looking place in Nebraska on nearly a third of an acre for $130K. Or you could buy 77 acres of land with a house and two outbuildings in Nebraska for $1.3 million. How much you reckon that’d set you back in San Jose?

There will be not-as-large but still quite notable variance in food pricing, gas costs, taxes, etc., between somewhere like York and San Jose. And people just have loads of trouble understanding anything about this.

Humans are more cognitively limited in the general case than we like to admit.

No Reg

I think it also bothers people I that I am self-elevating, not self-deprecating. You’re just not supposed to do that. It’s seen as dรฉclassรฉ. As unkind. As being a bully (for some reason).

But doing things and being things I was not supposed to do or to be is how I escaped North Florida and I regret fucking nothing. Often, I was the only one elevating myself. For many, many years literally everyone else including my own goddamn family was telling me how much I sucked and how terrible I was.

And I won in life because I had a big ego, a strong sense of self, or whatever you choose to call it. I personally don’t give a single shit what it’s called, however. I lived because I persevered against very long odds through all of that absolute hell with that overlarge ego. And with a little help from my friends.

Again Again

iโ€™ve been a 23 year old girl and i can tell you it….

God, this is fucking moronic.

What heterosexual men want is the feeling of being desired for once in their lives. And to be appreciated just for existing as women are. FUCK. How is that not obvious? The average man receives zero compliments (maybe one a decade if he’s lucky), zero desire and zero attention, except perhaps to be told he’s creepy for even besmirching the universe with his mere presence.

Fucking Christ, this shit is so heinous and makes me (and many men) so angry. So many women are so little capable of any empathy toward men. It’s disturbing.


Owner’s Equivalent Rent for measuring housing inflation is the clowniest, most useless way of computing that in the universe. Owners mostly have no goddamn idea how much it’d cost to rent their own place. I bet if you asked (and the gummint does) the owner and compared that to the actual rent they could get those owners would be off by 40%+.

Maybe the various levels and layers of wrongness balance out. But I doubt it. And even if so, why should we depend on that? Just a terrible, terrible metric.

Box Of

People who think Harris saw the questions before the debate, you are fucking idiots. Those are the same questions they ask during every presidential debate and have since rocks were new.

What are you, 11?

There’s actually quite a lot to criticize Harris on but none of the conservatives seem to have the intellectual capacity to do so.

It Was a Time

It was a lab leak, of course. But wasn’t it just wild in Feb-Mar 2020? I had people that are now mask-crazy insisting masks don’t work and were racist (??), and that not shaking hands was also racist, and that buying extra food was absurd because “nothing is going to happen.” All of that has been memory-holed and is “conspiracy theory” now. But it all happened.

What a time!

Even Some

People are extremely susceptible to propaganda in general, but they seem particularly likely to fall for Russian and Chinese variants of same. Are those two countries just better at it, or what it is? To be painfully honest, even some of my friends have repeated Putin talking points like he’s got his hand shoved so far up their butt he’s able to control the words coming out of their mouths. Now, I like you, friends, but it’s true.

Don’t be a Putin shill. It’s just dรฉclassรฉ. And hurts your butt.

Bully For You

I am so 100% against the belief that if someone is attacked and then fights back, the resulting conflict is the fault of the person who resists. This is how my teachers way back in elementary and middle school used to excuse their punishing me (and not my bullies) even though I was the one being beaten up.

I just cannot understand the people who buy into this way of thinking.