Unwanted Worlds

Men have been told repeatedly and with great vitriol in the past to butt out of such discussions as it isn’t about us and our opinions are irrelevant, even if they support fighting against such things as the horror of what was done to Gisรจle Pelicot.

So you got the world you demanded. Turns out it wasn’t so great, eh? Congratu-fucking-lations. And now I am minding my own business again, as requested incredibly often in the past. Enjoy.


That article below is one of the few that’s actually made me angry lately. It’s such a profound misunderstanding of the problem, what’s occurring, why it’s occurring, what effect it has and how it all has played out over time in the US. Why bother writing something like that if you’re so clueless? What’s the point? I think it’s just a bit of stotting to demonstrate how sophisticated the writer is.

In fact, I am quite certain of that.

Saint Ignatius

Of the non-Russians, what is it that makes them hate Ukraine so much, to wish for genocide on that people and nation? What makes someone like Ian Welsh be like he is? I have nothing at all in common with the terrible humans who seem to want that nation and those who live there destroyed, all for the glorification of a human waste bin like Putin.

I don’t think I will ever understand how abhorrent some people are. And I’m no saint myself.


People are so pointlessly concerned about burning bridges, even when they themselves get mistreated.

I will burn the bridge and the damn entire town too when someone treats me poorly or gets on my bad side. I do not give a fuck. This policy has served me very well in life, by the way, even before I had a boatload of money.

Accepting abuse meekly just invites more abuse, whether you’re talking in your personal or professional life. And I refuse. I endured that for too many years.


Introverts make the world run and extroverts make it connect. Both are necessary, as much as extroverts get on my nerves at times (not my extrovert friends, though!).

Lately, there’s been a lot of effort to deny that introverts really even exist. Man, fuck all y’all who say this. Introverts are more likely to be laid off when that time comes, more likely to be excluded even from social events they want to attend, and are more likely to be ignored.

Yet those horrible introverts are also more likely to get really difficult things done that require tons of concentration and perseverance, and more likely to be the hidden social glue of groups as they tend to notice things that other people miss or gloss over. The fact is that extroverts are not usually all that emotionally intelligent — they are just gregarious. And that’s not at all the same thing.

And yes, we introverts very much exist.


The problem is being ruled by Excel spreadsheets and the MBAs who wield them. Who, strangely, seem to be in some sort of oddball alliance with the build-nothing do-nothing degrowth left. Excel knows nothing about will and changing the shape of the possible. Much of what we do now was said to be impossible not long ago; our goal now should be to make our current selves look just as clownish in the future.

Anything else is a failure.

Want Only

Leaving out rejection, this is the most common male experience by far. Really puts the lie to the “MEN ONLY WANT SEX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111” crack-smoking narrative, doesn’t it?

I can think of a dozen times I didn’t realize until days, months, and sometimes years later when some girl was flirting with me and I did not pick up on it or didn’t want to assume incorrectly.

If I (or most men) actually cared about sex only, those opportunities would never be missed.

Wards Back

Shocker. When you allow mass immigration from backwards societies, shit like that tends to transpire. I will forever feel terrible for my long-time online friend who was driven from her home city of Munich by roving bands of violent North Africans. Should’ve never been allowed.

Help Me Out Here

I’m only talking about in my own field here, not home repair or anything like that (about which I know nearly nothing), but most of the time when I hire “experts” to help me out or do something that’d be difficult for me, they don’t know any more than I do.

This really defeats the damn purpose.

Wine Not

This is another example of the weird and harmful prudishness of the younger millennials and Gen Z. They believe that you shouldn’t do anything at all around a kid that the child cannot also partake of. Which is — and let me stress this as much as I can — FUCKING INSANE.

According to them, you should not consume alcohol around a child, should not have sex in a house that any child is in, should not wear anything at all even slightly revealing around a child of any age (and that definition of “revealing” gets stricter all the time), and should certainly not prepare them in any way for the adult world. I can’t believe people are so catastrophically, damagingly stupid about things like this.

What the fuck happened to younger millennials and Gen Z?

You’ll Live

Women with tattoos become far less desirable to most men. These women then go on to feel that they are being rejected by those men “for no good reason.” And this makes them insanely angry1.

Women in general almost never get to feel what incels feel. It’s telling that their reactions to being spurned are 100% identical to the general incel response. This just shows that even as different as men and women can sometimes seem, we’re still mostly the same. Especially for women who are particularly unaccustomed to rejection, if someone else has standards that exclude you it feels like a personal slight.

But as women always smugly tell men who endure storms of lifelong rejection: Get the fuck over it. Welcome to the real world where actions have consequences. You’ll live.

  1. Of course, this is women foot-shooting. The vast majority of the top 1% men these women are chasing do not want a woman blighted with tattoos.